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handy Despiller with a variety of algorithms, replacement methods and a few other features

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A simple additive/multiplicative keyer for hair (and other fine detail)

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Create quickly a clean plate of your green/blue screen

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this gizmo will be helpful for comping hair and motion blur easily, see tutorial for better understanding

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Based on the IBK stacking technique shown in Tony Lyons keying tutorials -

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Great Additive Keyer for fine details such as hair and motion blur

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BetterKeyer is a keying gizmo that allows you to manipulate your Alpha and RGB channels independently for a better result. For more information on how the node is set and how best to use it, watch this tutorial:

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With this tool you can clean the irregular color of your chroma and make it smoother and easier to key

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Nuke's Keyer node with some enhancements: -Option to create a custom luminance algorithm -More operations: Chrominance Key, Difference Key and Bump Keyer -Input preprocess to help keying mid tones