Transform RSS
27.39 Kb
Converts your Tracker, computed on the original scan (distorted), into a new one with Undistorted tracks
365.05 Kb
Real Camera Shake Samples (Steady, Walk and Explosion). Scan recorded with a camera rig and 3D tracked. Organized into this gizmo to works in 2D and 3D mode.
2.23 Kb
A simple and fast solution to Unwarp to UV space your CG render
3.56 Kb
high quality filtering Transform operator.
3.76 Kb
Auto rotate towards a specific 'Look At' point.
1.20 Kb
This is to make a free cam. Explore the parameters to achieve optimal results.
0.96 Kb
An ungrouped set of nodes to do a custom lens distortion effect. I have it setup with a gamma node but you could use a colourlookup or more expressions to tweak it. Transforms from xy to polar coordinates then back via xy to a normalised STMap.
1.33 Kb
Uncrop to place a cropped image back in its original position, or crop to the size of the BBox.
8.79 Kb
Create and transform copies of an input element.