Nuke them v1.0

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Contributor: William Eguienta
This software was made to create quickly nuke auto configurated files from an image sequence. -Supported image formats: cin, dpx, exr, gif, hdr, hdri, jpg, jpeg, iff, png, png16, psd, r3d, sgi, rgb, rgba, sgi16, pic, tif, tiff, tif16, tiff16, ftif, ftiff, tga, targa, rla, xpm, yuv
7.0, 6.3, 6.2, 6.1, 6.0 or later
01 Dec 2013

Description: -This software was made to create quickly nuke auto configurated files from an image sequence. -Supported image formats: cin, dpx, exr, gif, hdr, hdri, jpg, jpeg, iff, png, png16, psd, r3d, sgi, rgb, rgba, sgi16, pic, tif, tiff, tif16, tiff16, ftif, ftiff, tga, targa, rla, xpm, yuv

    To use it with .mov or .avi files, use Nuke

Installation: -Just drop Nuke in your application folder

How-To: -Select the parent folder of all sequences files folders (or folder wich contains video files if you're using Nuke Them4vid). -Select the destination nuke script folder -Choose a Frame rate. -Select the destination Render Folder -That's it !

    you can see a video tutorial about it at

Caution ! don't name your files with space, use - or _ to separate words or the nuke files won't be valid

Support: [email protected]

Log: v1.0: - Nuke Them & Nuke Them4vid released!

Features in next versions: a Single app for Nuke Them & Nuke Them4vid User interface application Custom configuration for Write node

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