15.11 Kb
A Connector Tool for Nuke with a handy UI. Super light-weight and very easy to use, just one single shortcut to create, setup, colorize and navigate these connections from anywhere in the Node Graph. No Callbacks, no hidden knobs created, to always stay compatible to other pipelines or artists.

6.31 Kb
Creates a custom menu for the Lens Distortion Plugin Kit (LDPK) nodes from 3DEqualizer4. Supports multiple Nuke versions at the same time.

1,812.72 Kb
This is a tool designed for managing VFX projects

5.54 Kb
Lock a viewer's inputs to desired nodes and prevent annoying accidental reassignments.

16.93 Kb
One viewer lock tool to run them all. Simpler and better than the competition ;)

17.96 Kb
Make working with hidden inputs easy.

16.72 Kb
The best darn Viewer Lock script on Nukepedia.

673.82 Kb
Complete python and blink script editor for Nuke.

5.58 Kb
Connects 2 nodes with a dot node in-between in a 90 degree angle.