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... studio is Mac-based (Odd, I know) and I haven't tested it on other platforms. This means it may work fine. Or explode. There's always that. Yell at me if it breaks and I'll see if I can make it less bad. Comments? Questions? Feel free to reach out! // Tyler Lockard // 2014 // tylerlockard.com // ...
Section: Downloads | Category: Keyer | Date: Wednesday, 22 April 2015 | Hits: 1672
... node for you! Recently updated to support multi-selections! Simply select a couple of read nodes. The rename operation will search-and-replace across every filename. Comments? Questions? Feel free to reach out!// Tyler Lockard // 2016 // tylerlockard.com // ...
Section: Downloads | Category: Import/Export | Date: Tuesday, 07 June 2016 | Hits: 855
... if mask changes in shape and size throughout shot. • FG occluding objects will probably create spikes in the analysis. Delete these keyframes once you bake the curve and let it interpolate this section. • Strong motion blur will skew results, requires manual finesse of resulting curve. Comments? Questions? Feel free to reach out!// Tyler Lockard ...
Section: Downloads | Category: Filter | Date: Thursday, 23 April 2015 | Hits: 1117
... at: http://www.nukepedia.com/written-tutorials/additive-keyer Comments? Questions? Reach out, and I'll try to... well, try to fixwhat probably should have worked in the first place.// Tyler Lockard // 2014 // tylerlockard.com // ...
Section: Downloads | Category: Keyer | Date: Friday, 24 April 2015 | Hits: 7455
... - The level of the effect on the input. Flicker can be enabled to emulate screen strobing. speed - How fast it flickers. amount - The amplitude of the flicker. Comments? Questions? Reach out, and I'll try to... well, try to fixwhat probably should have worked in the first place.// Tyler Lockard // 2014 // tylerlockard.com // ...
Section: Downloads | Category: Draw | Date: Friday, 24 April 2015 | Hits: 1493
... you may also need to modify the server on line 73. Compatibility: Our studio is Mac-based (Odd, I know) and I haven't tested it on other platforms. This means it may work fine. Or explode. There's always that. Yell at me if it breaks and I'll see if I can make it less bad. Comments? Questions? Feel free to reach out! // Tyler Lockard // 2014 // ...
Section: Downloads | Category: Import/Export | Date: Tuesday, 16 June 2015 | Hits: 115
*****Updated to V2.1**** V2.1 UPDATES: Updated spill colour correction - Now leverages the power of SpinFX spill correction to assist with post despill correction. This is not activated by default - just press the 'Activate spill correction' checkbox to unlock options and controls Improved masking controls ...
Section: Downloads | Category: Keyer | Date: Monday, 04 April 2022 | Hits: 1829

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