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2.56 Kb
Allows you to do incremental fine adjustments to the Dilate and FilterErode (Box)
2.53 Kb
This is an user-friendly directional blur. You control it with two points, and unlike the original nuke dirBlur, it doesn't shift pixel !
8.18 Kb
Quick and easy Directional blur, with rotation and size controls. Can select between blur and defocus.
4.84 Kb
A BlinkScript filter to replicate the effect of a dot matrix display, by sampling a filter image based off of an array of a texture input.
1.77 Kb
Update shadow Only and mirror checkbox....
688.12 Kb
DUCK is a collection of gizmos designed to help artists. Here you can find: advanced Alpha Edge, Green or Blue Killer for spill suppression,Object id keyer, advanced Luma Keyer, Smart Blur, Denoise, Skin Cleaner, Heat Vision simulation and a Night Vision (infrared) simulation.
3.83 Kb
This gizmo emulates the halftone effect found in comics. Any feedback would be helpful.
13.87 Kb
Yet another volumetric light gizmo for Nuke
27.56 Kb
Edge allows you to extend the proper color out over transparent edges or areas with a lot of motionblur without eroding away the nice detail. **Updated to remove version number from file name!**