3.30 Kb
Chroma keyer to isolate for example skin colors

2.80 Kb
GW Happy Clamper Toolset (updated to 1.01 - changed from type: gizmo to group to increase compatibility) Simple Alpha Clamper and Difference Keyer with clamping controls.

29.41 Kb
This tool will help with Despill and edge blending with the background plate.

8.92 Kb
Magic key is based on the IBK philosophy but without any alpha. This is like an additive keyer. You can add the desired zones through a merge 'Copy' node. I added a checkbox to get out the Multiply layer as a Rough Alpha channel ^^

124.48 Kb
Create multiple 3D masks via Position/Pref & Normal data, with a variety of shapes

22.66 Kb
Create 3D ramps in any direction with Depth/Z & Position/Pref data

4.59 Kb
A much more powerful and intuitive difference keyer than the stock one in Nuke

4.45 Kb
Create sphere and cube-shaped mattes from an image with position data.

7.37 Kb
Create 3D gradient mattes in any direction based on a position image