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Standalone helper tools. Scripted, compiled, whatever it takes to get the job done

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Contributor: whitecrow1986

10.80 Kb

Fastest way to change the default node colors by using the quick pallet toolbar, or by using any custom color!

19 Sep 2021
Contributor: linandre

1.24 Kb

puny tools series by andre fourth node, connect nodes that are far away to node name stored in this node, extremely useful to connect multiple dot/projection3d to connect in one button press to the camera or whatever you want to do with it the node itself is very simple and self explanatory hope it will assist you as well as it has assisted me, feel free to contact me regarding of issues, cheers

05 Jan 2020
Contributor: andrewhake

897.47 Kb

NukeView is an OS X AppleScript applet/droplet that will let you open image sequences directly in the Nuke viewer and begin playback.

08 Oct 2010
Contributor: masqu3rad3

17,937.41 Kb

'Right Click Converter' converts image sequences and video files into mp4 format super easily, with one click.

06 Feb 2019
Contributor: barry.berman

28.48 Kb

This is part of the MoCon suite of scripts. This script will transfer motion data from Maya to Nuke for cameras and transform motion, with FOV and write it out as a .nk file to be imported into Nuke.

05 Jul 2010
Contributor: crish

1.31 Kb

This Nuke Script runs Nuke's FrameCycler at startup and closes Nuke afterwards. You can use this if you want to run only FrameCycler as preview player even if you have no FrameCycler license but Nuke on your computer.

10 Jul 2012
Contributor: crish

2.15 Kb

These registration files change the default application for .nk files to NukeX.

28 Nov 2012
Contributor: cgbeige

1.53 Kb

This is a shell script for OS X / Linux that reads Nuke files and collects Nuke script and all support docs to a location you specify.

06 Dec 2015
Contributor: deshu

1.52 Kb

Allows executing phyton code, which was edited with external editor, without restarting nuke. Based on script 'Call Updated Function' by Andreas Frickinger, just rewrited to be non-modal panel.

25 Aug 2012
Contributor: dubiella

50.88 Kb

Simple send Nuke script files to Autodesk Backburner!

19 Nov 2014
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