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Standalone helper tools. Scripted, compiled, whatever it takes to get the job done

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Contributor: xrstuart

24,305.51 Kb

Use of a Nuke simulation to test the rules of traditional perspective drawing, and incidentally determine the diameter of the Earth if the Earth were flat.

04 Aug 2019
Contributor: willfilm29

7.20 Kb

Example Flame pybox scripts Use to host a Nuke scene within a Flame pybox node

16 Dec 2017
Contributor: hdmoser

5.90 Kb

Alter a value on a node (eg.: Blur size). Then, use Replicate Value to copy the altered value to all or to a group of nodes from the same class.

28 Jan 2012
Contributor: whitecrow1986

10.80 Kb

Fastest way to change the default node colors by using the quick pallet toolbar, or by using any custom color!

19 Sep 2021
Contributor: attackid

13.17 Kb

A stylesheet for viewing performance profile xml files in browser

01 Oct 2017
Contributor: Virgil89

1,788.87 Kb

Nuke/Hiero Python stubs files to support auto-complete in text editors.

17 Oct 2023
Contributor: mkrzastek

10.67 Kb

A little physics simulation tool that tries to emulate gravity between nodes, right in the node graph

11 Jan 2021
Contributor: linandre

1.24 Kb

puny tools series by andre fourth node, connect nodes that are far away to node name stored in this node, extremely useful to connect multiple dot/projection3d to connect in one button press to the camera or whatever you want to do with it the node itself is very simple and self explanatory hope it will assist you as well as it has assisted me, feel free to contact me regarding of issues, cheers

05 Jan 2020
Contributor: charitha

1.15 Kb

Postage_stamp enable\disable

13 Mar 2021
Contributor: Virgil89

32.28 Kb

NukeVimDCC: Vim-like keybinding for Nuke's default Script Editor.

15 Dec 2023
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