NodeGraph RSS
1.36 Kb
Command to change the mode of the selected merge/ChannelMerge nodes in Nuke more easily.
1.34 Kb
Select merge nodes and nodes to connect to them as their 'A' input, and all selected nodes will be connected to their respective Merge nodes - with a dot in a straight corner!
11.66 Kb
DEPRECATED: Use the version from nuke-vector-matrix for a maintained version. Merge many transform nodes together. Supports Transforms, Trackers and Cornerpins. Outputs either a new Transform or a new Cornerpin based on the transformation.
42.40 Kb
Automatically fast creating backdrop with customized Label, Color & Font Size.
39,572.25 Kb
This is a pipeline tools for single nuke artist. It will handle all path related operations like Footage import, Script saving, Render, PreComp etc. for you, all you need to do, is just focus on the art work~
1.65 Kb
Moves selected Nodes straight via Shift+Up,Shift+Down, Shift+Left or Shift+Right
4.52 Kb
MultiChannelSplit shuffles and autocroppes each layer individually. Shuffle out all layers or just individual layers. Option to prepare for outout - create and set up write nodes and create render directories automatically
0.29 Kb
Quickly connect multiple selected inputs into one merge node.