NodeGraph RSS
1.26 Kb
Connects selected camera using Dot node from anywhere in the script. User can choose the desired camera from the window displayed. It creates a Dot node and connects with the camera and add camera name to the Dot node for reference.
4.14 Kb
Dot that can auto connect to dots/nodes in the script you have labelled
1.20 Kb
connect multiple nodes masks input to target node.
277.05 Kb
You can change knob values of similar nodes you select in node graph collectively.
2.36 Kb
Converts a Gizmo node to a Group node
1.11 Kb
Сloning will link everything, but you don't need to link exactly everything? Select your node(s), hit Ctrl+Shift+V , done
2.86 Kb
Copy and paste nodes keeping the inputs connected to their original dependency. Works with multiple nodes, multiple inputs and masks.
0.76 Kb
Makes a copy of the selected node which retains all the input connections. Useful if you like to copy Postage Stamps for example. It works with nodes which have multiple inputs such as Scenes, Merges and Scanline Renderers. Uses the ctrl+alt+c hotkey
1.49 Kb
2.18 Kb
Project latlong or other maps as six 2K cubic tiles onto your scene geometry with this quick setup.