RetimeCurves v1.0
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7.0, 6.3, 6.2, 6.1, 6.0 or later
Retime Curves allows you to dynamically retime curve animation, while allowing control over the original animation.
For example, you have designed an effect with a bunch of nodes and you have the timing nailed. Now you want to apply the effect to other shots.
You could always double click all the relevant nodes in the new shot and use the Dopesheet to align the effect to the new shot.Or you could link up your effect to this node and just enter two values to have the effect automatically shift into place including speed changes.
Plus, because it is expression based, you retain full control over the original curve animation and can still adapt it to the individual shots needs.
How to use:
The whole animation you want to retime needs to be contained within the time window of Base Animation Start and End.
This can be one curve or multiple.
Say you have a Grade node animating from frame 100-105 and a Blur node going from 103-110 and you want to retime both, you need to set the Base Range to 100-110.
In the nodes you want to control, first do your animation and then you edit the expression on the animated knobs to say 'curve(RetimeCurves.newFrame)'.
Then you simply set the new start and end frame and the curves will be retimed accordingly.
Disclaimer: Since this is purely expression based, it should work on all platforms and in every version of Nuke. But I have only tested it in NukeX 7.0v8 on a Mac.