Draw RSS
24.30 Kb
This gizmo lets you preserve the original grain from your plate after keying.
6.61 Kb
This is a draw gizmo that will help to add tree gobo dynamic lighting.
42.67 Kb
Creates an electrocardiogram / EKG / ECG Expression controlled, very customizeable
6.15 Kb
A gizmo to quickly and easily add droplets in front of the lens of a shot.
11.94 Kb
This node generates procedural bokeh. It offers basic commands like the number of blades, max defocus size.... But also, some more additional element to texture your frame and match the live action bokeh.
1.37 Kb
radial rings is an expression based animator for creating radial rings. You can use it as a wipe tool or ripple effects. Hope it would come in handy.
2.83 Kb
Colour Noise is a simple noise pattern generator with scalable and animatable separate RGB channel controls.
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Gizmo to create steel wool and burning effects.
3.59 Kb
Simulates typewriter/terminal typing effect