Shake to Nuke node guide
This is a reference guide that I wrote in late 2007, and then posted on VFXTalk in about November of that year. As such, it's more based around Nuke 4.8, and I'm sure there's a good amount that probably should be updated.
It is all, obviously, only my opinion, and it was also written by me at a time when I had very little Nuke experience...
For now, though, I just wanted to put it up on here as-is, and then I'll go through updating it as things crop up.
Any Nuke node that begins with "N_" is part of the NFX Plugins bundle which is a free external plugin suite. The dFielder gives Nuke the functionality to deal with interlaced footage.
Any Nuke node that begins with "F_" is part of FurnaceCore, and comes with NukeX
- (+) Means that Nuke's is better
- (-) Means that Nuke's is worse
- (=) Means that Nuke's is the same
- (?) Means that I've not used it enough (in one or other package) to make a reasonable comparison
- (~) Means that Nuke's is different
- (X) Means that Nuke, as far as I am aware, doesn't have it or a direct equivalent
- Checker -> Checkerboard (+)
- Color -> Constant (=)
- ColorWheel -> ColorWheel (=)
- FileIn -> Read (=)
- FileOut -> Write (=)
- Grad (X) Could be recreated with a couple of Ramp nodes and some grading
- QuickPaint -> Paint (-)
- QuickShape -> Bezier (+)
- Ramp -> Ramp (+)
- Rand -> N_Rand (+)
- RGrad -> Radial (-)
- RotoShape -> Bezier (-)
- Text -> N_Text (+)
- Add -> N_Add (=)AdjustHSV -> HSVTool (?)
- Brightness -> Multiply (=)
- Clamp -> N_Clamp (+)
- ColorCorrect -> ColorCorrect (?)
- ColorMatch (X)
- ColorReplace (X)
- ColorSpace -> ColorSpace (+)
- ColorX -> Expression (=)
- Compress -> N_Compress (=)
- ContrastLum (X) Can be recreated by converting to HLS (with ColorSpace) and doing a normal Contrast
- ContrastRGB -> RolloffContrast (+)
- Expand -> N_Expand (=)
- Fade -> Multiply (=)
- Gamma -> Gamma (-)
- HueCurves -> HueCorrect (?)
- Invert -> Invert (=)
- LogLin -> Log2Lin (=)
- Lookup -> Lookup (=)
- LookupFile -> Lookup (=)
- LookupHLS (X) Recreate by converting to HLS with a ColorSpace and doing a Lookup
- LookupHSV (X) Recreate by converting to HSV with a ColorSpace and doing a Lookup
- MDiv -> Unpremult (=)
- MMult -> Premult (=)
- Monochrome -> N_MonoChrome (=)
- Mult -> N_Mult (=)
- Reorder -> Shuffle (+)
- Saturation -> Saturation (+)
- Set (X) Do with Remove (the wanted channel(s)) then Add the same channel(s) with the right value
- SetAlpha (X) As Set
- SetBGColor (X)
- Solarize (X)A Lookup going (0,0 -> 1,0.5 -> 0,1) - move the middle point left and right.
- Threshold (X)
- Truelight -> Truelight (=)
- VideoSafe (X)
- ApplyFilter (X)
- Blur -> Blur (+)
- Convolve -> Convolve (~)
- Defocus -> Defocus (+)
- DilateErode -> Erode (fast/filter/blur) (?)
- EdgeDetect -> EdgeDetect (=)
- Emboss -> Emboss (?)
- FilmGrain -> Film Grain Simulation (?)
- Grain -> Film Grain Simulation (?)
- IBlur (X) Could probably be faked with ZBlur
- IDefocus (X) Could probably be faked with ZDefocus
- IDilateErode (X)
- IRBlur (X)
- ISharpen (X)
- Median -> Median (+)
- PercentBlur -> Blur (+)
- Pixelize -> Blocky (=) Blocky isn't in the main menus, but can be found under "Other -> All Plugins -> B" (need to press "update menu"). This may be because it's buggy.
- RBlur -> GodRays (~)
- Sharpen -> Sharpen (+)
- ZBlur -> ZBlur (?)
- ZDefocus -> ZDefocus (?) The ZDefocus node isn't in the main menus, but can be found under "Other -> All Plugins -> Z" (need to press "update menu"). This may be because it's buggy.
- ChromaKey -> HueKeyer (=)
- DepthKey -> Keyer (?) Luminance Key with the Input set to Depth
- DepthSlice -> ZSlice (-)
- LumaKey -> Keyer (-)
- Primatte -> Primatte (=)
- SpillSuppress -> HueCorrect (~)
- Keylight -> IBK (~) Different, but much nicer!
- AddMix -> AddMix (=)
- AddText -> N_Text (+)
- Atop -> Merge (atop) (=)
- Common (X)
- Constraint (X)
- Copy -> Copy (+)
- IAdd -> Merge (plus) (=)
- IDiv -> Merge (divide) (=)
- IMult -> Merge (multiply) (-) If both A < 0 and B < 0 then the result is 0 instead of >0. A Shake-style IMult can be done with the expression node, or by multiplying both inputs by -1, doing a Merge (multiply) and the Maxing the result with the original result.
- Inside -> Merge (in) (=)
- Interlace (X)
- ISub -> Merge (minus) (=)
- ISubA -> Merge (difference) (=)
- KeyMix -> Keymix (=)
- LayerX -> MergeExpression (=)
- Max -> Merge (max) (=)
- Min -> Merge (min) (=)
- Mix -> Dissolve (=)
- MultiLayer -> Merge (-)
- MultiPlane -> 3D System (+++)
- Outside -> Merge (out) (=)
- Over -> Merge (over) (=)
- Screen -> Merge (screen) (=)
- SwitchMatte -> Copy (-) (A and B are swapped, and doesn't premult)
- Under -> Merge (under) (=)
- Xor -> Merge (xor) (=)
- ZCompose -> ZMerge (=)
- AutoAlign -> F_Align (?)
- CameraShake -> CameraShake (+)
- CornerPin -> CornerPin (+)
- Crop -> Crop (=) with "reformat" on
- Fit -> Reformat (~)
- Flip -> Mirror (=)
- Flop -> Mirror (=)
- MatchMove (X)
- Move2D -> Transform (-)
- Move3D -> Card3D (+)
- Orient (X)
- Pan -> Position (=)
- Resize -> Reformat (~)
- Rotate -> Transform (+)
- Scale -> Transform (+)
- Scroll -> Transform (+)
- SetDOD -> Crop (=) with "reformat" off
- Shear -> Transform (-) Only does X shear (skew)
- Stabilize -> Tracker (+)
- SmoothCam -> F_Steadiness (~)
- Tracker -> Tracker (~)
- Viewport -> Reformat (~) with "resize type" on "none"
- Window -> Crop (=)
- Zoom -> Reformat (+)
- DisplaceX (X) Although STMap does UV texturing
- IDisplace -> IDistort (=)
- LensWarp -> PerspDistort (-)
- Morpher (X)
- PinCushion (X)
- Randomize -> N_Scatter (+)
- Turbulate (X) Workaround with N_Rand, scaled up (Transform) then the R and H channels copied into forward.u and forward.v of the image to turbulate. Then use an IDistort node.
- Twirl -> Twist (?) Twist isn't in the main menus, but can be found under "Other -> All Plugins -> T" (need to press "update menu"). This may be because it's buggy. You need to up the "Mesh Density" otherwise it'll just look like it's rotating.
- Warper -> SplineWarp (+) with "mapping" on
- WarpX (X)
- AddBorders (X)
- AddShadow (X) But so easily doable by hand
- Bytes (X) Unneeded - everything is float internally
- Cache -> DiskCache (+)
- DeInterlace (X)
- DropShadow (X) See AddShadow
- Field (X)
- Histogram -> Histogram (~) More like PhotoShop's "Levels"
- PixelAnalyzer -> CurveTool (+)
- PlotScanline -> Sampler (~) Shows it as a curve rather than drawing on screen
- Select -> Switch (=)
- SwapFields (X)
- Tile -> Tile (=)
- TimeX -> TimeWarp (+) or any of the other Time nodes. Anything's better than Shake's TimX
- TLCalibrate (X)
- Transition -> AppendClip (~)