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Contributor: Sergey.Krivohatskiy

0.65 Kb

A simple guizmo for image binarization(transforming rgb or grayscale image to black/white image) based on local luminance

16 May 2016
Contributor: Shuvo

1.85 Kb

This Tools is Created following Common 2 grade Technique. Just Select your CG Black and White Point & other side Select your Footage Black Point and White point. This Gizmo automatic share all the lighting information from Background to Foreground.

23 Apr 2021
Contributor: Sudhishks12

3.29 Kb

Skin color Matcher is normally a Node combined from a group of Nodes which many of us have already used in different ways .basically it gives the input color of the subject to the comp plate . This can be used for multiple Beauty cleanup shots which requires Clean plate tracking and shots which have a lot of Color correction to make.Motion Blur and Defocus have been included so that abnormality can been masked out . Unpremultiply the premultiplied comp plate to get more accurate out The Tracker and the Smart vector path are for applying motion blur to comp plate by connecting it with the particular 2D Point Tracker and Smart vector then click the respective box from the properties tab to enable the kind of tracker used in the shot .

19 Sep 2023
Contributor: KelSolaar

8.65 Kb

Implementation of various Global Tonemapping Operators

25 Nov 2018
Contributor: KelSolaar

15.69 Kb

Absolute Luminance Calibration of Panoramic HDRI Images & Analytical Light Sources Creation

27 Feb 2020
Contributor: tianlunjiang

6.41 Kb

Grading AOVs (up to 4 at a time) without breaking out the passes

26 Feb 2020
Contributor: emucheese

54.40 Kb

A little gizmo to help get an average colour from a selected trackable area. #Usage video will be up soon.

24 Sep 2014
Contributor: CreativeLyons

26.43 Kb

This tool recreates a toe operation that's able to input an external image as it's black point and has controls for the multiply (the amount above the blackpoint that the operation stops affecting the midtones and highlights), and a control for the Gamma, or falloff, which is the bottom part of the curve and how it's blending with the blackpoint. You can toggle a preview overlay of a plotscanline and see how your blackpoint is affecting the rest of your image.

09 Nov 2019
Contributor: otaku

5.12 Kb

flame style colour correction in nuke (stricktly only 4 flame switchers)

27 Dec 2010
Contributor: rasto

1.24 Kb

nMask is gizmo for creating masks from flat colors, it's working on principe of color differences.

02 Oct 2012
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