magicCarpet_v1 v1.0

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Contributor: Torsten Neuendorf
magicCarpet is a multi gradient that automaticly covers the background matching the colours. handy to remove things from grandient backgrounds.
6.1 or later
27 Dec 2010

magicCarpet.gizmo is a 4 point multi gradient that grabs the corner colours and paste it

into a multi gradient.


you can cover any gradient background by simply draging the points.

the colour picers in the corners use an average colour of about 10 sq pixels so it sometimes helps to move 

the edge points a little bit to match the colour you want.



dont expect a perfect result at this point - depending on your image you may still see light edges but by using the 

erode and blur function you should get rid of these edges easily. the blur does not blur the gradient, it only blurs the alfa channel

at the edges.


the magicCarpet.gizmo delivers an alfa channel in the output of the area you have covered, it might be handy if 

you want to add grain or a colour correction.


this is the properties box of magicCarpet:


if you want, you can easily connect a tracker to the edges by using the expression function.



please have a closer look under the hood of my .gizmo and leave a comment or an idea for a version 2


and like we germans use to say: applause is the artists salary.

so dont hesitate to leave your comment - if you like it or not.

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0 # Frank Rueter 2010-12-05 13:59
clever idea, thanks!
0 # luc julien 2010-12-05 15:09
nice share, thanks !
0 # Matt Richardson 2010-12-07 01:48
really nice idea - and great little gizmo.
Good work.

would be nice to be able to have some control over the colours.
So once you have your corner points and they have got their colours - it would be nice to be able to tweak them slightly.

Just a thought.

nice tool though
0 # Torsten Neuendorf 2010-12-07 12:21
hi matt - you r right - in some cases it is nice to adjust/tweak the colour manually,
but my main interrest is always to keep the "gui" as simple as possible.
in my version 0.5 i had to pick the colour manually and adjust them. when u have
a quick look under the hood you will see that you can easily switch off the auto colour pick function.
i need a good idea how to contol 4 points seperately in luma,gain and tint without adding 12 sliders to the
gui. at the moment i am thinking about splitting the edges in halfs so that you get 8 control points instead of 4.
maybe it might help with difficult shapes or gradients. lets see what the majority thinks about it.

tanx 4 leaving a comment
0 # djati waskito 2011-01-13 05:17
briliant idea, thanks for your big effort, Torsten
0 # Travis Button 2011-11-11 13:36
I've been using this for a while in studio and now grabbing it for the home office. One thing I've always disliked about it is that it sets the default dimensions of the source cornerpin to 2k super 35 default format. It would be nice if it automatically took on the format of your script. Problem is when it does this you're not actually sampling the color you have the point on, but instead whatever the offset is of your format to the 2k default. It's an easy fix inside the gizmo after you turn it into a group but just a thought. Great tool though, use it all the time for sky painting and replacement.
0 # Guillem Ventura 2012-03-06 11:04
I was just looking for the regular 4-point gradient we Shake or even AEX users are used to, but your gizmo went a step further, taking other aspects of the whole procedure and putting it all together... BRAVO.
0 # stephan Kosinski 2012-11-14 12:26
Great tools. Works as a charm in the GUI but give me an error in command line:

Warning: magicCarpet_v1_ 0_1.Crop3: [Crop] Abort/cancel checked with no valid trees. This op most likely needs to have its parent set correctly

Both inputs are connected to the image I generate the gradient from.

Got any idea?

Thank you for your help.
0 # Alex Harding 2014-11-05 22:55

Great gizmo, use it all the time

Small suggestion: if you go into the cornepin node that drives all the crops and set the 'from' values to inherit the dimensions from the input constant using "width" and "height" expressions, you don't get mismatched aspect ratios with your result.

0 # Rich Bobo 2016-09-14 20:30
Used it again today - very handy! Thanks for making it!

0 # darren coombes 2016-10-24 23:12
I can't seem to get it working with default setup.
Working with image res of 2048 x 1080. Tried adjusting format of crops.

So I took out the constants inside after the crop, put in a reformat to the root format size and seems to work now.
+2 # Travis Button 2016-11-24 04:01
hey everyone. this gizmo has basically been broken since Nuke9.0v6 due to the way Nuke now parses TCL commands. I have an updated version that I've replaced all these expressions with Python and it works nice and smooth again. Let me know how we could go about replacing this dated one. Something I did a long time ago but would fix some format issues others are having is instead of taking the project format it uses the input x and y. If you want this one, just message me or email me.
0 # Achim August Tietz 2017-02-06 10:02
Hello Travis, I would like to get your updated gizmo!
But I don't know how to contact you other than this way.
My email address is

Thank you and have a nice day!
0 # Bastien BRENOT 2017-02-28 13:53
Hi, I'd love to get your version as well.
Maybe you could upload it here ?
0 # Achim August Tietz 2017-02-28 14:23
I don't have it.

Have a nice day!
0 # Kane Brassington 2019-02-17 03:48
I would love a tool like this that let you create as many color points as you'd like at any coordinates. All keyframeable. I've used such tools at a couple of different studios, so I know it's possible. Not savvy enough to make my own though.

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