Draw RSS
5.12 Kb
Applies grain properly to blurry edges
2.74 Kb
LensVignette is a quick way to setup a realistic vignette. The node defaults to aligning the radial as a circumscribed circle around the corners of the input format matching the behaviour of a real lens. Useful for removing the darkening effect of a vignette as well as adding it.
2.19 Kb
This gizmo is created inspired by Flow box roto tool. Instead of creating roto and animating, one can draw a quick outline of a subject and it will create a solid roto for you. Very useful and timing saving tool. Feedback are highly appreciated
49.06 Kb
A simple little visual gradient editor.
13.98 Kb
This gizmo separates the texture and the color of the image giving you aiblity to work with independently.
1.89 Kb
Very simple gizmo that randomizes the outline of your shape.
2.01 Kb
Generate a RotoPaint node that matches your image
82.85 Kb
MECfiller is a pixelation and filter based filler tool. Its main use is to fill in missing information and to extend available information for a full picture estimation. This tool is based on Mads Hagbart's FFfiller approach and idea.
14.44 Kb
As Nukes Glint Node, but with a nicer exponential falloff.