TX_Ramp v1.1
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Contributor: Tomas Lefebvre
This is a gradient tool much closer to the one in photoshop
6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 7.0 or later
Linux, Mac, Windows
6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 7.0 or later
Linux, Mac, Windows
30 May 2012
Much of the time you only need to create a black to white ramp, but when you need to create a more complex one, it's become tricky. That why I made this, it is inspired by the gradient tool in photoshop :
multiple color ramp, different ramp style (linear, mirrored, radial, angle, diamond), etc...
install notes :
just copy the .gizmo and .py files in your .nuke/ directory, and add the following line in your menu.py
1 |
import TX_Ramp
Please login in order to download these files.
However, if you just want to test, you can just execute all the tx_ramp.py in your script editor
It was just a little mistake, I wasn't calling the function inside the python file
In Menu.py >>>
import TX_Ramp
myBar.addCommand('Color/TX Ramp', 'nuke.createNod e("TX_Ramp.gizm o")')
for i in range(int(pCount):
Otherwise it would give a float integer error
before> for i in range(pCount):
after: for i in range(int(pCoun t)):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
RuntimeError: C:/Users/cc/.nu ke/TX_Ramp.py: plugin did not define TX_Ramp
please help!
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