fxT_chromaticAberration v3.1

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Contributor: Tor Andreassen
Website: www.fxtor.net
This is a chromatic aberration gizmo to mimic the art effects produced by certain lenses. This gizmo gives you control over each channel separately (scaling of R,G,B) and many other channel offset and blur options.
12.2, 12.1, 12.0, 11.3, 11.2, 11.1, 11.0, 10.5, 10 or later
Linux, Mac, Windows
01 Oct 2020

fxT_chromaticAbberation v3.1

This is a chromatic aberration gizmo to mimic the art effects produced by certain lenses.
This gizmo gives you control over each channel separately (scaling of R,G,B) and many other global and induvidual channel alteration options for matching the plate's chromatic aberration.







- internal fix to autoAlpha check expression, previously threw an error if input had other mask channels.
Thanks to Michael Habenicht for this exression improvement. 



- internal fix to luminance slider restore, pipe was wired wrong in last release, now fixed.


- retore luminance option now have a slider to mix how much of the luminace to restore.

V2.7/2.8 UPDATES:

- default value checkbox fix, that was left out in v2.6. and updates to tooltips on knobs. otherwise its identical to v2.6


- GUI update based on user feedback, and internal bbox fix:
- The 'matte softness' is now just called falloff and has a tooltip to easier explain what it does with the centerMask.
- The channel blur sliders is not inside a group dropdown anymore, so it is always possible to see if any channels are blured or not.
- bbox is always the same as the input also when the centerMask display is activated.


- Minor speed and GUI improvements that was overlooked in v2.4 
- GUI update: knob name changes so the GUI is even more logical.

- A few internal improvements for speed


- Major under the hood updates to how the aberration is done. You can now choose between regular transform and godrays as aberration method. Using godrays will smear the channel offset giving a more realistic aberration look.  This version also includes performance improvements.

- Adjusted scale of centermask, to have x/y controls (for a more correct lense replication)

- Added help-text 

- Fixed alpha issues, the original alpha channel is kept

- Centerpoint of the gizmo is locked so it always stays in the center of the input, button can unlock and lock the centerpoint again
- Global blur slider removed, you can still blur the induvidal channels, but global blur has been removed as I see that more of a defocus match comp operation that should be kept as a seperate step in your comp not to wrap too much into this node that is not relative to channel offset opetations


fxT chromaticAberration v3.0 



- Control over each channel seperatly (scaling of R,G,B) and many other channel offset and blur options
- 2 aberration modes (based on godrays or based on transforms)
- Global and induvidual controls
- Mask input
- Keeps original alpha channel and bounding box 
- Center mask option for 'mimicing' real world lenses where abberation is normally less in the center of the frame.
- Options for bypassing induvidual channel alterations to create offset with diffent colors, for a slightly easier way of matching the plate's aberration.
- Gizmo inherits format from the input image (does not default to the root format)



Install Notes:

To install the Gizmo in it's own nuke menu with the attached menu icon:  please see attached 'init.py' and 'menu.py' files
Install the Gizmo and icon file according to the paths in the 'init.py' file, or alternetivly change these paths to your own preferred install location.

Share if you like it. Please feel free to contact me if you have specific improvement requests.
Please login in order to download these files.


+1 # Garrett Hoyos 2014-07-13 07:17
Great gizmo thank you!
0 # Arri REschke 2016-06-06 12:22
0 # Radu L 2017-03-24 15:26
I believe this node becomes super finicky after a while - especially in 10.5... it puts nuke into a super loop, basically a hang. It is the only gizmo installed on this machine and the only thing with expressions (and expressions as I've heard are a bit of a problem with nuke).
If anyone has a solution I would love to hear it.
0 # Tor Andreassen 2017-03-25 01:16
Hi Radu,
Thanks for your feedback.

Expressions alone should not cause nuke to hang. I do remember a long time ago a old version had some python on the 'reset/lock' button that was causing nuke to hang for a little bit when it was clicked before coming live again, although that was fixed very quickly and is not a problem in the current version.

I've used this tool on many shows without any problems, but If you are still having problems, an error message or something more specific would be helpful so I can look further into it and try to replicate it
0 # Andrew Mumford 2017-03-28 19:14
Looks like a typo in the gizmo name compared to previous version "fxT_chromaticA bberation.gizmo " became "fxT_chromaticA berration" - was that intended ?

Its not reflected in the menu.py btw
0 # Andrew Mumford 2017-03-28 19:21
I take it back, partly, it's correct in the new menu.py but I was looking at the old menu.py I had fro the complete "suite".

Its not reflected in the menu.py btw
0 # Tor Andreassen 2017-03-29 23:58
Quoting Andrew Mumford:

It's not reflected in the menu.py btw

Hi Andrew, thanks for reporting regardless. :-)
Yes it was corrected in the menu.py when I corrected the name typo of abberation to aberration, so all should be good.
0 # Tor Andreassen 2017-04-13 11:48
V2.4 - V2.8 UPDATES:
- Major under the hood updates to how the aberration is done. You can now choose between regular transform and godrays as aberration method. Using godrays will smear the channel offset giving a more realistic aberration look. This version also includes performance improvements for speed and improvements to the user interface.
0 # Aleh Maksimovich 2018-07-06 05:33
OSX error
0 # Tor Andreassen 2018-07-07 04:49
Hi Oleg,

I just tried doing a clean install of the gizmo on OSX, it works fine. Could be your trying to install it in a folder that you have not added to your .init file (nuke.pluginAdd Path), see the included. init file for an example.
0 # Helios Jimenez 2018-08-29 22:10
0 # ali rahbari 2021-06-09 04:06
hi,thank you for sharing this gizmo.
in god ray nod we have checkbox called"max".
normally when use godray and move red channel 2 pixel right,left side add 2 pixel cyan .but when check on 'max', only 2 red pixel apply.
please add checkbox to your gizmo per channels. :-*
0 # Marcel Vanderwekken 2021-09-16 21:28
Hey Tor, I just installed the gizmo and when I hit the "reset/lock" button I got this error

Missing parentheses in call to 'print'. Did you mean print('trueeeee ')? (, line 12)

Is there a way to fix this?

0 # Michael McReynolds 2021-10-01 16:47
Quoting Marcel Vanderwekken:
Hey Tor, I just installed the gizmo and when I hit the "reset/lock" button I got this error

Missing parentheses in call to 'print'. Did you mean print('trueeeee')? (, line 12)

Is there a way to fix this?


Maybe not the best way, but if you open the gizmo in a text editor and just remove print ('trueeeee'\n) and resave, you won't get the error anymore. It looks to be a python2 being interpreted by python 3 error, but I don't have time to understand the code, so removing it will give you access at least.

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