V!ctor Tools v2.0

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Contributor: Victor Perez
V!ctor Tools is a suite of gizmos and Python scripts for different tasks.
9.0, 8.0, 7.1, 7.0, 6.2 or later
21 May 2016

Useful Nukepedia Tool #7. Explore this video: Tool Video


V!ctor is a suite of gizmos for different tasks. It includes:

Utility to evaluate a matte and help working with mattes and masks

10-Bit precision checker board color rendition chart following the standard values from X-Rite Color Checker (formerly GretaMacbeth Color Checker)

Put 4 mattes in a single file using the RGBA channels (with optiona export to TIF). Just like the standard CG id passes from 3D.

Combines up to 4 id passes into a single EXR file (up to 16 mattes in a file).

Easy choose the channel or combination of channels from an id pass.

Advance screen flicker/deflicker tool with option to scan only certain areas from a plate and apply to anothe whole plate.

Side by side (and more) image compare.

Advance and fully customisable complete slate.


... and many others!

Please login in order to download these files.


+1 # Andrew Hake 2011-05-21 03:44
I am running into an error with the Gizmos reading OS X fonts on 6.2v4. Anyone else seeing issues?
+1 # Andrew Hake 2011-05-21 17:28
Nevermind. For some reason Arial.ttf had been disabled on my system.
+1 # Agoston Princz 2011-09-18 08:41
Hi Victor

It seems your email not working. I guess it is temorary problem.
+1 # Victor Perez 2011-09-18 09:16
Have you tried ?
+1 # Victor Perez 2016-04-13 07:46
Here you are a 90 minutes video tutorial I recorded to explain you how to use them: https://vimeo.com/162003293
0 # Achim August Tietz 2017-03-15 14:33
Hello Victor, on a Windows workstation I can't use your Color Rendition Chart gizmo due to font errors.

Nuke prints:
ColorRenditionChart_Text.font: Font (Helvetica.dfon t:5) not available.
Chip_Name_1.font: Font (Helvetica.dfon t:4) not available.
Chip_Number_1.font: Font (Helvetica.dfon t:4) not available.
Chip_Name_2.font: Font (Helvetica.dfon t:4) not available.
Chip_Number_2.font: Font (Helvetica.dfon t:4) not available.

I don't know how to fix it.

Have a nice day!
+1 # Cleiton Werncke 2018-01-23 20:33
Hello, I have the same problem.. :(
+1 # Sal Sol 2018-08-02 04:02
Hi, did you find a solution to the Helvetica Font Problem?

Quoting Achim August Tietz:
Hello Victor, on a Windows workstation I can't use your Color Rendition Chart gizmo due to font errors.

Nuke prints:
ColorRenditionChart_Text.font: Font (Helvetica.dfont:5) not available.
Chip_Name_1.font: Font (Helvetica.dfont:4) not available.
Chip_Number_1.font: Font (Helvetica.dfont:4) not available.
Chip_Name_2.font: Font (Helvetica.dfont:4) not available.
Chip_Number_2.font: Font (Helvetica.dfont:4) not available.

I don't know how to fix it.

Have a nice day!
+1 # Santosh Kumar 2017-08-18 04:29
I'm getting a runtime error, "RuntimeError: menu item command must be a string or a callable", on line VictorMenu.addC ommand('Preset Backdrop', 'V_PresetBackdr op.presetBackdr op()', 'ctrl+alt+b')
0 # Sal Sol 2018-08-02 04:04
Hi Victor, im following your classes since 4 years a go, thanks!
im having the same problem with the Helvetica font. can you please tell us how to solve it?
im using Windows 10.
this is the error
ColorRenditionChart_Text.font: Font (Helvetica.dfon t:5) not available.
Chip_Name_1.font: Font (Helvetica.dfon t:4) not available.
Chip_Number_1.font: Font (Helvetica.dfon t:4) not available.
Chip_Name_2.font: Font (Helvetica.dfon t:4) not available.
Chip_Number_2.font: Font (Helvetica.dfon t:4) not available.
+2 # Peter Kuznetsov 2018-10-22 10:00
This problem occurs when Viсtor's gizmos trying to find standard macOS font (Helvetica.dfon t). To fix it you have to delete rows contains "Helvetica.dfon t" in all .gizmo files. Also, you can replace them py correct name and extension of any installed font.

To fix all automatically, simply run this python script. (DO NOT FORGET to set the correct path to "V_Tools" folder and format indents in code!)

import glob
#path to folder with V_Tools .gozmo files
V_TOOLS_PATH = "/cg/nuke-future/Victor_Tools_2/V_Tools/"

for path in glob.glob(V_TOOLS_PATH+"*.gizmo"):
with open(path, "r") as i_file:
lines = i_file.readlines()
with open(path, "wb") as o_file:
for line in lines:
if "Helvetica" not in line:
+1 # pancho lopez 2019-01-22 04:32
Hello friend deleted all the full line of
font {{Helvetica: Regular: Helvetica.dfont : 4}}
and it does not work gives a syntax error

and your script I do not know how to execute it could you please help me

con que programa y como
+1 # pancho lopez 2019-01-22 04:33
Hello friend deleted all the full line of
font {{Helvetica: Regular: Helvetica.dfont : 4}}
and it does not work gives a syntax error

and your script I do not know how to execute it could you please help me

con que programa y como
+1 # dapoer vfx 2020-01-12 09:12
Im running an error while setup this gizmo, i have tried all the instructions but no luck. I'm running Nuke V.12.0.2 Windows platform.
0 # dapoer vfx 2020-01-12 09:19
Quoting dapoer vfx:
Im running an error while setup this gizmo, i have tried all the instructions but no luck. I'm running Nuke V.12.0.2 Windows platform.

NO WORRIES ! It's works now.
+1 # dapoer vfx 2020-01-19 16:12
Hello guys,

I got error message when i tried to use V_Slate, it said " V_Slate1.Script _Name_and_Artis t_Name: Can't read font file /Library/Fonts/ Arial.ttf "

I am using windows 10 64bit ...any solution for this ?

0 # Damien MORMICHE 2024-03-02 16:02
replace > Windows (no Mac) in Settings > FONTS > OS Font Path
+1 # yagnesh patel 2020-05-28 15:40
I have installed v!ctor tool in .nuke file and also copy and past init and menu py file ,still i got c:/program files/nuke12.1v 1/plugins/menu. py" ,line 822 ,in< module> ,import v_presetbackdro p import error

Pls anyone solve this problem help mepls
+5 # Sal Sol 2021-04-15 05:58
hi Victor, any plans to update your tools to Nuke 13 :)
looking forward to it.
thanks in advance!
0 # Todd Perry 2021-06-25 03:25
Hey Sal -- if you are getting Python errors on opening Nuke13 with Victor's tools, its a matter of adding a slash into your init.py

And then removing extra spaces at the ends of lines in
0 # Michael McReynolds 2021-08-13 22:54
Actually, the path seems fine, at least on a mac.
In V_PostageStampG enerator.py you need to put () around the 2 print statements to bring it up to Python 3.
+2 # wil chavez 2022-12-27 22:16
Hello, I'm new in Nuke. I can't to install it. Says "error interpreting this plugin" and Nuke closes. Help please.

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