ChannelContactSheet v1.0

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Contributor: Tyler Lockard
Originally designed to help discover keyable channels for trickier shots, this gizmo creates a colorspace contact sheet.
8.0 or later
04 Sep 2015



This gizmo shows a contact sheet of the inputs colorspace transforms. 

Originally designed to help discover keyable channels for trickier shots.  If you find something that might work (The YPbPr blue channel is usually awesome) this gizmo will give you a quick node setup for it!



Click on 'Setup Region of Interest' to crop the input to only the desired area. Click 'View Contact Sheet' to jump back. (Optional)

An option's supplied to downres the input in case it gets a bit laggy. Because 4K+ footage is so much fun! (Also optional)

If you find something usable, pick the corresponding colorspace and channel and then click 'Create' for a quick node setup.



Our studio is Mac-based (Odd, I know) and I haven't tested it on other platforms.  This means it may work fine. Or explode. There's always that.

Yell at me if it breaks and I'll see if I can make it less bad. 



Comments? Questions? Feel free to reach out!

// Tyler Lockard // 2014 // //

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+1 # Hanuma K 2018-10-14 14:13
Very useful and time saving gizmo Thank You
0 # Eleonor Lindvall 2019-11-11 13:01
I tried to get this to work on Linux, and everything works fine, except for the font. I get a parsing error. I tried opening up the gizmo in a txt-editor and replacing the font (Arial.ttf) with something else, but no luck.

Would be so awesome if this could work on other platforms as well.
0 # Joe Censoplano 2022-06-23 22:04
this is great anyway to update this to nuke 13?
0 # Lucas Pfaff 2023-06-24 10:56
I'm using it w/o issues on Nuke 14 - what is your issue with 13?

In the past I had an issue with the used font not being installed, but that's an easy fix

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