6.38 Kb
Unspill technique by good old Steve Wright put into a nice little gizmo.

2.28 Kb
Rebuilt Nuke Keyer. Non-clamped and with LUT color controls.

12.23 Kb
Despill gizmo based on background luminance and chroma with much more useful extra features.

22.66 Kb
Create 3D ramps in any direction with Depth/Z & Position/Pref data

3.35 Kb
Nuke version of the famous shake macro by Chris Wieser

124.48 Kb
Create multiple 3D masks via Position/Pref & Normal data, with a variety of shapes

4.85 Kb
Little Gizmo that creates an IBK-Node-Stack with an exponential increase of the 'patch black' knob. added a useful mask and stencil input aswell. In cooperation with Pascal Schober Let me know what you think! :)