ExpressionWaveGenerator v1.0

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Contributor: Cameron Carson
This Node is a Cheat-Sheet for TCL Waveform Expressions. It allows for the simple generation of Waves for controlling knob values.
6.0, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 7.0 or later
16 Jan 2013

This Node is a Cheat-Sheet for TCL Waveform Expressions. It allows for the simple generation of Waves for controlling knob values. These expressions are immensely useful in generation simple animation that would otherwise require many keyframes.


This Node is very easy to use and comes with some simple options.

Wave Type -Choose the type of waveform you would like to generate. Choose from "Random", "Noise", "Sine", "Triangle", "Square", "Sawtooth" and "Bounce".
MinVal -The lowest value the wave will touch.
MaxVal -The highest value the wave will touch.
WaveLength -Controls the frequency of the wave, the number of frames before the pattern repeats.
Offset -Offsets the frame value to move the wave back and forth, allows control of value at a certain frame.

Use the Generate Expression button to create the expression using the given options.

The Result displays the expressions value at the current frame. (The Result dynamically changes with any knob change except Wave Type. If there is a waveform type change, you must hit the Generate Expression button before the Result will reflect the change in type.)

The Expression text displays the expression used to generate the Result at the time the Generate Expression button was pressed.

The Formula text displays the formula for the waveform selected at the time the Generate Expression button was pressed.


Feel Free to comment with any Improvements you would like to see.


Screen shot 2013-01-16 at 5.56.07 PM















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0 # Frank Rueter 2013-01-17 12:30
Hi Cameron,

thanks for submitting this. Is this gizmo redundant seeing you are updating the Toolset version? Should I remove this one to avoid confusion?
0 # Cameron Carson 2013-01-17 12:33
The toolset one just had the wrong file uploaded originally. That's the only reason it was uploaded. I only did both to give people options. I prefer the gizmo route but with the new toolsets being so easy to drop in I know a lot of people like them.
0 # Will Marker 2016-04-29 23:34
Hi Cameron,

I love your expression wave generator ive been using it for quite sometime. I would love if you added the option to output intergers!
+1 # Cameron Carson 2016-04-29 23:45
I most definitely can. Although if you aren't aware you can just surround any expression with "int( )", which will round to the nearest integer.

Where do you think the checkbox should go in the tool?
0 # nando cebrian 2019-04-12 18:04
Hi Cameron I am new in nuke and I would like to use your gizmo but I don't know how to use it because I can't see the arrows or I don't know how to activate the arrows in your gizmo.

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