SequenceSheet v1.1

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Contributor: sven ahlstrom
SequenceSheet, a ContactSheet that moves.
10.0 or later
22 Nov 2018



This tool allows you to preview moving elements on top of your plate in an easy way.


Let’s say you have a 10 000 frame sequence of random fireworks going off and you need to find the perfect blast for your shot.

Use SequenceSheet to cut the sequence into the length of your shot and merge on top.

When you’ve found a few good takes you can easily extract the cuts.


This tool helped us to quickly add filmed lens flare elements to a huge amount of shots.

It could be useful for matching smoke and fire movement, blood squibs, light leaks and more.


Made at Goodbye Kansas Studios.



Type the name of the node you want to use as background for your cuts.

Precomp the resulting ContactSheets.

View with full frame processing turned on.

If the font is not working you can change it in the dropdown.

If you have a ContactSheet stuck in the dropdown, move the node and it will go away.

Please login in order to download these files.


+1 # Mattias Sandelius 2018-11-22 09:00

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