Corner Pin auto v3.0

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Contributor: Andrea Geremia
the same Corner Pin node with some improvements.
11.0, 10.5, 10.0, 9.0, 8.0, 7.1 or later
Linux, Mac, Windows
02 May 2019


+ Works with Nuke 10 and Nuke 11.

+ Added button to create/delete automatically Keyframes


+ Created node for Nuke11. They modified name knob from 'copy_from_to' to 'copy_from'. Read here

+ Possibility to save the original plate format


+ bug fixes

+ added button to avoid the crop of the image in the BBox Tab

Use the crop node inside the Corner Pin node and create a bounding box in 1 second ;)


Set the Handles like in the Crop Node to set the Points with 1 click!


 Set automatically 'From points' from the Bounding box.


Use this Checkbox to enable/sidsable all the Point together. You can also set the Animation with one click


Or you can connect an image to the BBox input and use that Bounding Box to set the From Points.



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0 # K P 2018-06-22 17:11
Great gizmo, just what I was looking for!

Though, the "Cornerpin" tab, "Copy'from'" does not work as it should, it does not copy the values from the "From" tab. And instead it does the opposite, it pastes its values to the "From" tab.

Would be great if you could look into it. Thanks bud!
0 # Andrea Geremia 2019-02-16 18:30
Hello man,
thank you for your comment.
I did test the gizmo and now it should work. ;)
+1 # Andrea Geremia 2019-03-21 22:46
Sorry! I did find the problem: with Nuke11 hey modified the name of the knob from 'copy_from_to' to 'copy_from'
I'm testing different solutions, but in the meantime I just released two different nodes if Nuke version >=11
+1 # Peruman Cs 2020-02-22 06:22
very easy to use.
thanks for gave a wonderful gizmo.

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