Hotkeys (PDF) v1.1

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Contributor: Victor Perez
Complete Nuke Hotkeys Sheet (Hi-Res)
6.1 or later
29 Jun 2013

Complete Nuke Hotkeys Sheet 297x210mm +720ppp

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+1 # v natarajan 2010-11-01 23:12
tnx .. its very usefull
-1 # Mario Pufler 2010-11-30 06:12
thanks !
-1 # Maxim Doucet 2010-12-09 08:21
Great! I was wondering though if there was any way to have a text searchable version of the PDF? I mean with all the shortcuts in text, not a raster image.

Or maybe sharing an Illustrator file (to allow anyone to adapt it to its needs):-?

Anyway, thanks so much for such a great resource!
+1 # Victor Perez 2010-12-15 05:41
Maxim, thanks for your downloada and your comment. I was considering your suggestion about text searchable pdf version and I think that this hotkeys sheet was designed as a quick visual (print) reference in a simple piece of paper. If someone need to search an specific hotkey or command you can simply go to Nuke documentation that has all together and searchable. In any case the sheet doesn't replace any information from the original Nuke manual, it's just an extraction.

Thanks a lot :-)
+1 # Ashok Anandh 2011-03-16 21:14
very useful..Thank you..
-1 # alexis albet reviriego 2011-03-29 09:02
Thaks so much!
0 # Kristijan M 2011-04-12 08:35
Thank you :-)
-1 # Jeff Jones 2011-05-31 18:23
Thanks this is great.
-2 # Carlos Martínez 2011-09-04 04:24
Gracias Victor!
fantastic reel!
0 # hemanth chowda 2011-09-09 01:27
thank you
-1 # Jay Sambuev 2011-10-12 00:07
Do you have a vector format?
0 # A. Zhafri 2011-12-13 19:56
Awesome! Thank you!!
0 # lore again 2012-01-21 21:25
This will really help me out being a new comer to NukeX
0 # John Dope 2012-02-08 22:14
great thing... thanks!
+2 # Esteban Ortega 2012-02-22 15:43
Really useful¡, Thanks¡
0 # cristiano Meira 2012-05-21 11:33
0 # Massimo Giribone 2012-07-02 08:32
Thank you Victor,
it's very useful for a beginner like me.
I've watched your showreel, It's simply amazing!!!
0 # Nic v 2013-01-25 16:26
What's the shotcut key for turning on and off the Vertex selection in the 3d viewer? I can't seem to find it *scraches head*
-1 # Rukmini Kotamraju 2013-02-09 18:29
Thanks a lot.
+1 # devendra verma 2013-03-13 00:10
Thanx a lot........
-1 # Emile Sadria 2013-03-25 13:36
super cool thanks !
-1 # Dustin Valkema 2013-04-25 08:11
Awesome! Thanks a ton!
0 # akin akinrinwa 2014-02-21 10:15
thanks it helped!
+1 # khalid ebrahim 2014-05-25 03:13
great :-) ... Thanks for sharing.
-1 # Loredana Gangemi 2014-06-02 08:55
thanks a lot!
+1 # kiran nani 2014-07-06 19:13
Thank you somuch :)
+2 # Dere Foustine 2014-10-31 06:11
Great thanks
0 # Rohit Korgaonkar 2015-01-03 18:44
0 # Caslav Bozovic 2015-02-18 21:31
Very useful, thank you Victor!
-1 # Adam Eddy 2015-06-21 10:09
0 # wang pengshan 2015-09-25 15:32
Thanks this is great :D
0 # rudolf hatta 2015-12-21 06:44
Many thanks...
0 # Gijo Devassy 2016-06-20 13:39
Very Useful, Thanks a lot.
0 # Yooseung Roh 2016-09-14 16:24
Thanks~ Very useful for beginner like me~
+2 # Manjunath C B 2016-09-22 15:31
Its very useful.... thanks...
0 # Kang Chen 2019-04-18 00:48
0 # kiran kumar 2021-02-12 05:00
very useful thank you

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