default - automatic knobDefaults v5.0

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Contributor: Simon Jokuschies
The default plugin is a visual approach to let you create knob defaults inside Foundry’s Nuke on the fly without the need to write and maintain any line of code. It contains the default main window which lets you create, edit and delete knob defaults and bundle them in preset lists that can be imported and exported and thus be shared with other artists.
13.1, 13.0, 12.2, 12.1, 12.0, 11.3, 11.2, 11.1, 11 or later
Linux, Mac, Windows
17 Aug 2022

watch the videoTool Video

The default plugin is a visual approach to let you create knob defaults inside Foundry’s Nuke on the fly without the need to write and maintain any line of code. It contains the default main window which lets you create, edit and delete knob defaults and bundle them in preset lists that can be imported and exported and thus be shared with other artists.




- Make Nuke-12 and Nuke-13 ready.

- Made Nuke11 ready.
- Major code changes.
- Wrote documentation.

- Security validity check on xml files which can reset them if there is a
problem and if the user chooses to do so.

- Small bug fix in the validity check of nodes and knobs.

- Default window: shows all your custom knobDefaults. You can add new custom
knob defaults and edits and delete your custom knobDefaults directly inside the
default window. The default window is accessible through your menu bar:
Scripts->default->defaults window.
- About window: manual which shows you how default works: The about window is
accessible through your menu bar: Scripts->default->about.
- Added functionality to create presets. All knobDefaults can then be saved within a
preset. You can create multiple presets which can be edited, imported and

- Right click a knob and choose default -> show knob list. A pop up window
appears showing all knobs of the node. Choose a knob and set its new default
value. With that you get access to set default values of all knobs of each
node, even if it's a drop down.

- Initial commit.


Default will now contain a detailed documentation that shows how to install and how to use it. The documentation can be found in default/docs/_build/html/index.html

How to instal default
Download default and copy it into your nuke home directory.
In your add this line:



Further information can be found here:


03 new

03 new

Please login in order to download these files.


-1 # Mohan Pugaz 2015-09-23 10:13
Awsum and very useful!
+1 # Simon Jokuschies 2015-09-26 23:41
Hey Mohan,
Thank you very much :-)
+1 # Mohan Pugaz 2015-11-26 04:26
Hey Happy to this on the cover ! :)

I already told you that was very useful :) . . Cheers..
+1 # Simon Jokuschies 2015-11-26 06:59
Hey Mohan,
Thanks again, I really appreciate it.
+1 # Andrew Mumford 2015-12-01 18:55
Simon - Is there a reason why you are only distributing the .pyc and not including the source ?
I get that you've put a ton of work into this and that's appreciated but thought I would ask since I wanted to customize something for our facility ?

0 # Simon Jokuschies 2015-12-01 21:02
Hey Andrew. Yes, actually it has some special reasons. Can you go to and send me a message?
-1 # sridharan K 2016-01-20 14:49
Thanks A lot #simon .. really useful stuff :D
0 # Simon Jokuschies 2016-01-20 15:33
Hey #Sridharan, thank you i appreciate it :-)
0 # igor kozitsin 2016-11-06 21:53
Thank you for your work!

But bad news ^) tool not working with expressions
generates some interesting effects ^) like additional views creation
0 # Simon Jokuschies 2017-05-31 04:44
Hi Igor,
Sorry, just seeing this comment now. Your posted link is dead. Could you post it again?
Cheers, Simon
0 # dhanjee maheshwary 2016-12-01 08:55

It is working good ,
But It is not working for expressions and for matrix also!
+1 # Simon Jokuschies 2017-05-31 04:46
Hi Dhanjee,
I use it on a lot of expressions. Which exact expression do you need to accomplish?
+1 # G. Scott Scribner 2019-10-29 18:42
Doesn't work on Linux. Nuke fails when reading the ~/.nuke/default / file.

"... error interpreting this plugin"

It's the last line that's causing the failure:

# Auto load knob defaults when launching.

After commenting out the last line everything loads correctly but won't work. If I try to save a default Nuke reports:
"[Errno 13] Permission denied: '/Users'

I tried creating a "Users" directories everywhere: /Users, ~/Users, ~/.nuke/Users and ~/.nuke/default /Users ... none seem to help.
+1 # Simon Jokuschies 2019-10-29 21:18
Hi there,
You seem to get a permission denied error as all the mentioned paths don't seem to be the correct ones. There should be no 'Users' folder created manually.

I just double checked the script on centos and it seems to work fine on my side. Which distro are you using? Please see if putting the extracted default folder into your nuke home directory and then adding it to nuke's plugin path works out for you:


I hope that helps.
Cheers, Simon
0 # G. Scott Scribner 2019-10-30 15:55
That's exactly what I did. Although, I may have unpacked the .zip on my mac and then copied it ...

I'll try a fresh copy unpacked on the Linux box and see if that makes a difference.

I'll post the distro when I get to work. We are using Centos.

0 # G. Scott Scribner 2019-10-30 19:19
Release 7 (Core) 64-bit
Kernal 3.10. ...
0 # G. Scott Scribner 2019-10-30 19:38
Fixed. It was a permissions issue.

0 # G. Scott Scribner 2019-10-31 23:13
Default is the best thing ever!
I like that it works on the root project as well.

Thank you!
0 # Simon Jokuschies 2019-11-02 09:07
Great to hear that it works now for you and it was simply just a folder permission issue. Great to hear you like the tool.
+1 # snder vede 2020-01-28 14:26
Great stuff Simon! Thank you so much, it's one of those brilliant timesavers.
-1 # zheng wei 2020-03-08 19:53
Hey Simon,
This is great ! I just used it on nuke 12.0 Just one issue, it does not seem to save any edit in defaults window. I cannt add any presets. Does anyone has any issue with this in nuke 12 ?
0 # laurent maxime 2020-07-04 23:45
Hi simon! Love your tool!!!

I have a small problem, when I set as default the value for Ramp p0 x and y, instead of putting the value in y it create another view and put it in x. I dont remember how to make it work for nodes with one/multiple values.

And just a proposition, could be nice in defaults window to click on name and have them class alphabetically, I have dozens of nodes and begin to be hard to find them ^^

thanks so much!
0 # laurent maxime 2020-07-04 23:56
ah ok it was too simple in fact ^^ just need to enter 2 values with a space and its working :P
0 # 天宇 张 2021-04-18 05:30
nuke 13 nonsupport
+1 # Simon Jokuschies 2022-08-17 19:16
Hi, sorry for the late reply, I just saw this one right now. default supports now Nuke-13
0 # Simon Jokuschies 2022-08-17 19:16
Hi, sorry for the late reply, I just saw this one right now. default supports now Nuke-13
0 # Lundy Hu 2021-12-03 11:03
Please update for Nuke 13 ~

:D :D :D
+3 # Simon Jokuschies 2022-08-17 19:16
Hi, sorry for the late reply, I just saw this one right now. default supports now Nuke-13
0 # Martin Rombos 2022-08-19 14:11
Thanks Simon. This is really usefull. Working fine in v13.1
0 # Ryan Stubbs 2023-02-13 22:15
I'm trying to edit note_font_color for the backdrop node (to white), but not having any luck. Any ideas on the correct syntax? I've tried [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], 1.0, 1, etc. but no luck.
0 # Simon Jokuschies 2023-02-15 22:52
Hi Ryan,
Nuke uses an own notation for colors. Using the following value should work, at least it does on my end, please give it a try:


This is how I got there:
Adjust the color value of the Backdrop node as needed, in this example pure white. And then ask for its value by selecting the Backdrop node and executing the following:


I hope that helps.
Cheers, Simon
0 # Norman Cates 2024-08-06 07:24
Can this tool see any other default knob settings, that have been set earlier in the path?

ie. I have my that contains my specific knob defaults. But I work at a larger company, and often defaults are made on a show or even scene level. Done by having different files in the path.

I'd really like the option to see those.

Now, I know I can't change them directly, because that would involve altering files that feed to everyone else on a show.

But my personal, in my home/.nuke directory can over ride those show level defaults.

I guess it all depends on if we can see what defaults have been set in Nuke. I've been looking to see if its even possible to view the knob defaults. But I can't see any way of doing it.
0 # Simon Jokuschies 2024-08-06 21:43
Hi Norman, thanks for your question. I would suggest moving all your custom knob defaults that you currently have in your own (should be an and not a to the default tool so that you see all knobDefaults in one place.

'Seeing' all knob defaults that are done in your facility in any place might be a little more involved but this is how you could get that info. Basically you could loop over all dirctories in your nuke.pluginPath (), see if there are any or files and parse these for lines that contain nuke.knobDefaul t. Note that these files implemement knobDefaults at an earlier stage and Nuke keeps no record when they are registered. That is why parsing would be necessary.

As mentioned above, all knobDefaults should be set via an to ensure same behavior between terminal and GUI sessions.

I hope that helps.

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