autoBackdrop replacement v2.1

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Contributor: Timur Khodzhaev
improves default backdrop script
9.0, 8.0, 7.1, 7.0 or later
Linux, Mac, Windows
23 Aug 2015


This script is a modification of the Nuke's default script with additional functionality and customization options

Benefits of using this version of autoBackdrop script are:

  • Ease of creation. Same as default script just select nodes and backdrop will be created around those nodes
  • Muted colors of the backdrops If nothing selected backdrop will not be created at a random spot in your nodegraph as with default
  • Properties of the backdrop will automatically popup in the controlBin and you will be able to start typing your label immediately or skip it if you dont want to do it right away
  • Node comes with set of presets that allow to set color and label of the backdrop really quick without need to go through long list in pull down menu
  • Highly flexible and customizeable through modification of text settings file. You can add/delete as many preset buttons as you like.


  • Unpack archive into your .nuke folder or into your NUKE_PATH folder
  • Make sure to not ovewrite existing or If they already exist there just copy lines from my files to the end of yours
  • Use alt+b(option+b) hotkey to create backdrop or Nuke's standard pulldown menus
  • You can change colors and icons with ease.

you can find more info on my site

Please login in order to download these files.


0 # Johannes Masanz 2015-09-10 20:57
That is a great set of features you added to the backdrop! There is only one little thing missing: Can you maybe bring back the font size adjustment?
Other than that it is working like charm.
Thank you!
+1 # Timur Khodzhaev 2015-09-17 23:31
Font size adjustments is still available on the Node tab.
There is also a way to customize default font size as well.
1. you can set it in the settings file
2. you can set environment variable TK_BACKDROP_FON TSIZE and I believe that would override setting file

you can customize a lot editing settings file.
thanks a lot for your feedback, Johannes
+1 # Rod Tom 2017-06-08 17:22
I{m doing something wrong I guess. Could you help me?

"R:\nuke/scripts/python\toolsTK\", line 66, in autoBackdrop
if step==0:
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'step' referenced before assignment
0 # Preslav Penchev 2017-11-28 12:37
Hello Timur, I've copied the archive files to the .nuke folder but I can't seem to make it work. The backdrop node doesn't change and adds just a default one. Any ideas? Thanks in advance!
0 # shakti mehra 2021-07-02 09:58
Can someone help me this is not working in nuke 13
The error is saying

%s format : an integar is required, not float

I don't know what it means
0 # shakti mehra 2021-07-02 09:58
Can someone help me this is not working in nuke 13
The error is saying

%s format : an integar is required, not float

I don't know what it means
0 # FRANKLIN TOUSSAINT 2021-10-16 12:01
You can try this tool (really similar) :
It's working on nuke 13.
0 # G. Scott Scribner 2021-10-23 16:58
I'm looking for a tool like this that I can add common nodes to, that I use often to and make them clickable. Basically, I want a toolbar that I can control.
I use a pen and I'm sick of setting it down every time I need to type. If I had a toolbar that had many of my favorite nodes - it's just a click away.

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