Color Panel v1.5
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13.1, 12.2, 12.1, 12.0, 11.3, 11.2, 11.1, 11.0, 10 or later
Linux, Mac, Windows
V 1.5
- Nuke 13 compatible (tested with Nuke 12-13 on Windows and Nuke 10-11 on Mac)
- Minor improvements: now the custom window is visible automatically and not behind the Color Panel
V 1.4
- Updated feature for Groups
V 1.3
- Improved messages and documentation
V 1.2
- Added info and help button
- Updated Qt version and improved documentation
V 1.1
- Now you can change color of nodes inside a Group
- Improved help button
With this Panel you can change easily the color of your Nodes in Nuke.
You can read the tutorial about this Panel and see how you can customze it at this link:
All the code is available at the link above, with some tips about Python.
- Select a color from the Nuke default colors
- Select a color from the list
- Custom color
- Copy and Paste color
- Reset color of the node
This tool is done in 2 versions: Qt and PySide. Functions are the same, only the code is different! It's been tested in Nuke 11+ on Windows and Mac.
How to install Qt:
If you get this error: importError:cannot import name QtWidgets you have to install Qt.
Here you can find a complete guide about that:
Otherwise, place this file here:
- Windows: C:\Program Files\Nuke10.0v1\lib\site-packages
- Linux: /usr/local/Nuke10.0v1/lib/python2.7/site-packages
- macOS: /Applications/Nuke10.0v2/
Use this code in your to load the Panel in Nuke.
import ColorPanel
t ='Nodes')
c = t.addMenu('ColorPanel', icon='ColorPanel.png')
c.addCommand('ColorPanel', 'ColorPanel.colorPanel()', 'shift+c', icon='')
And use the Shortcut SHIFT+C to call the Panel in Nuke.
You can modify 'tile_color' of Nodes, just clicking on the relative button. On the top grid you have all the Default colors from Nuke and in the second one other colors you can modify just using QtDesigner.
With the 'Custom color' button you can choose the RGB.
Then you can also modify color of BackDrops and StickyNotes.
It'll change color of selected nodes in root.
Updated the tool: now you can change color of nodes inside the groups
importError:cannot import name QtWidgets
nuke 10.5v2 win7
The easiest way is to place the file in this folder:
- Windows: C:\Program Files\Nuke10.0v1\lib\site-packages
- Linux: /usr/local/Nuke10.0v1/lib/python2.7/site-packages
- macOS: /Applications/Nuke10.0v2/
At this link you can find a guide about that
and here the file
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