QuickCreate for Nuke v1.2
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Contributor: Mads Hagbarth Lund
A series of node shortcuts for the viewer, that utilizes the color sampler bounding box.
11.0, 10.5, 10.0, 9.0, 8.0 or later
Linux, Mac, Windows
11.0, 10.5, 10.0, 9.0, 8.0 or later
Linux, Mac, Windows
22 Jun 2017
QuickCreate is a series of shortcuts for the viewer (right click menu), that allow you to quickly create nodes based on the position and dimentions of your color sampler bounding box. It can easily be extended with keyboard shortcuts aswell.
Check out this video to get a overview of the tool: https://vimeo.com/221625416
[Update v1.2]
- Adding two trackers in a row, causes the 2nd tracker to be added to the exsisting tracker node (rather than creating a new node). (Thanks to Tor Andreassen for the suggestion)
[Update v1.1]
- Added support for non square pixel aspect ratios. (thanks to Tom van Dop for notifying and Jelmen Palsterman for the correction!)
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Adding a CurveTool option would save me a few more also
Not sure why, but currently its giving me an incorrect result when my footage is not the same resolution as my project setting format size.
i'm using nuke version 10.5v3
It will match the resolution of what you have attached to your viewer input 1. So if it does not match it might be because you are viewing input 2?
elif _kind == 'SetTransformCe nter': #-----Set Tranform Node Center
newNode = nuke.selectedNo de()
if newNode.Class() == "Transform":
newNode['center '].setValue([ar ea_Mid[0],area_ Mid[1]])
Menu.addCommand( '-> Set Transform Center', 'h_viewerShortc uts.CreateOnSel ection("SetTran sformCenter")', icon='2D.png')
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