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... thanks to Murilo Augusto to helped me manipulate the lists better on Python. Also, thanks to Henrique Reginato, Gustavo Schrank and Magno Borgo to try the tool as well. I will appreciate it if you leave a comment, sending a positive message, or any feedback about it. I hope you enjoy it! Thanks! ...
Section: Downloads | Category: Transform | Date: Tuesday, 11 May 2021 | Hits: 375
... your Node Graph. It was written in Python 2.7.16 and 3.10.5, so it's designed to work with all versions of Nuke. - To check the online User Guide, click here (it's also included a PDF file); Special thanks to Henrique Reginato, Magno Borgo, and Gustavo Goncalves for testing this tool and providing valuable feedback for improvement. Also, ...
Section: Downloads | Category: UI | Date: Wednesday, 30 August 2023 | Hits: 114
... node, connect the node to a camera, click the 'Start' button and enter the frame range 3. It looks a bit weird while the tool is working, but in the end it should be fine References Foundry 3D Python Reference RotoShapesToTrackers script from Magno Borgo ...
Section: Downloads | Category: 3D | Date: Wednesday, 09 August 2023 | Hits: 70
... far as I know of, this tool is the only tool that achieves the baking of the keyframes in an appropriately renamed sub-layer as well as doing the conversion both ways. This tool is and will remain 100% free for personnal & commercial use, though I'd always appreciate a shoutout! A big shoutout to Magno Borgo for the principle and structure of the Roto ...
Section: Downloads | Category: Filter | Date: Monday, 18 March 2024 | Hits: 199
With this script you can convert any shape point from Roto or RotoPaint nodes into Trackers.Use is very simple, select the roto node and run the script. This differs from the Nuke docs example because it will consider the transforms of parent layer(s) and also transform matrix applyed to the shapes. TIP: to speed up tracker creation, create a copy ...
Section: Downloads | Category: Misc | Date: Sunday, 09 February 2014 | Hits: 2047
This Nuke script will bake the actual shape's points positions to splinewarp shapes on the requested framerange, including transforms on the parent Layers.Most up to date version always at: http://github.com/magnoborgo/RotoPaintToSplineWarp2Compatibility Nuke v7 and up KNOW LIMITATIONS Shapes are moved with feather curves, its just a cosmetic issue, ...
Section: Downloads | Category: Misc | Date: Wednesday, 01 January 2014 | Hits: 438
This script will export Nuke shapes to a Silhouette Roto and Paint shape format .fxs file.That allows a Mocha to Silhouette shape export using Nuke.Herre's a video showing usage and capabilities:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xn9oegH8umo SUPPORTED FEATURES: Version 2.0: initial release Aug 5th 2013 This version introduces Shapes and Layers ...
Section: Downloads | Category: Import/Export | Date: Monday, 16 September 2013 | Hits: 650
DasGrain Indie Helper will allow you to run Dasgrain inside Nuke Indie and Nuke Non CommercialMany thanks to Fabian for creating DasGrain, manual regrain is a thing of the past.I just resampled his code and managed to break it into smaller pieces so it can run inside Nuke Indie/Non commercial.https://youtu.be/MvZW1XmKHEA For the most up to date version, ...
Section: Downloads | Category: Other | Date: Friday, 08 April 2022 | Hits: 449
TrackerFury // RotoFuryThe Revenge of the Motion VectorsThese Nuke Toolsets/Scripts will leverage the power of Motion Vectors and allow you to create Trackers and Rotos. Convert Nuke SmartVectors to Trackers Automagically Roto with motion vectors Latest version will always be here: https://github.com/magnoborgo/furytools/Youtube demo:http://
Section: Downloads | Category: Transform | Date: Tuesday, 17 October 2023 | Hits: 190
Discrete cosine transform implemented in Blink Script (and the inverse DCT transform too). Plug your image on the input, manipulate the DCT result and reverse it back with iDCT.It's a naive implementation without code optimization, so don't expect it to be fast.Works on RGB channels.Quick Usage example: Paint the DCT, erasing some of the patterns from ...
Section: Downloads | Category: Other | Date: Wednesday, 24 February 2016 | Hits: 299

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