DK_write_v001 v1.0

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Contributor: game cloth
this is a cool write node that could aotoset the outpath and load the output file after rending。 1 first of all you need make sure your nuke file have to be saved
14.0 or later
11 Jul 2023

set cut_paste_input [stack 0]
version 12.2 v2
push $cut_paste_input
Write {
file '\[python \{nuke.root().name().rsplit('/',3)\[0]\}]/output/\[python \{nuke.root().name().rsplit('/',3)\[-2]\}]/\[python \{nuke.root().name().split('/')\[-1].rsplit('.',1)\[0]\}].mov'
file_type mov
mov64_format 'mov (QuickTime / MOV)'
mov64_codec appr
mov_h264_codec_profile 'High 4:2:0 8-bit'
mov64_pixel_format {{0} 'yuv420p\tYCbCr 4:2:0 8-bit'}
mov64_quality High
mov64_fast_start true
mov64_write_timecode true
mov64_gop_size 12
mov64_b_frames 0
mov64_bitrate 20000
mov64_bitrate_tolerance 4000000
mov64_quality_min 1
mov64_quality_max 3
create_directories true
checkHashOnRead false
afterRender 'path = r\'\[python \{nuke.root().name().rsplit('/',3)\[0]\}]/output/\[python \{nuke.root().name().rsplit('/',3)\[-2]\}]/\[python \{nuke.root().name().split('/')\[-1].rsplit('.',1)\[0]\}].mov\'\nread = nuke.createNode(\'Read\')\nread.knob(\'file\').setValue(path)'
name Write2
label '\[python \{nuke.root().name().rsplit('/',3)\[0]\}]/output/\[python \{nuke.root().name().rsplit('/',3)\[-2]\}]/\[python \{nuke.root().name().split('/')\[-1].rsplit('.',1)\[0]\}].mov'
note_font 'Verdana Bold'
note_font_color 0xff0000ff
selected true
xpos -120
ypos 44
postage_stamp true

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