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3.42 Kb
small Tool to find and mark Nodes with the '$gui' Expression
5.60 Kb
A customized write node that you can adapt to your project folder structure.
4.19 Kb
Basic Node Setup for Blender Light Passes.
9.07 Kb
With the 'CompHelper' node, you can organize your project and help you quickly locate and export your files. Using 'WriteAuto,' you can create an automated write to export your project sequences in the prerender folder, and you can customize the word 'Denoised' as needed. After exporting, with 'Readsolut,' you can create a read from the previous 'Write' node, and with 'Explore,' you can select any 'Read' node and open the source files folder in the Windows File Explorer. With 'CreFolders,' after saving your Nuke project in a Nuke folder, you can create project folders from within Nuke, selecting the folders you want to create for your project.
1.93 Kb
A simple toolset which exports the four cornerPin points to 3dEqualizers 2DTrack export format.
42.05 Kb
Collection of nuke optimizations that will make every compositors life easier.
1.03 Kb
this is a cool write node that could aotoset the outpath and load the output file after rending。 1 first of all you need make sure your nuke file have to be saved
3.15 Kb
The easiest way to make a flickering effect. This node works like an 'opacity flickering', but you can transfer the Result values to any knob that support animation. Set the maximum/minimum/frequency value, and done!
3.66 Kb
This Node is a Cheat-Sheet for TCL Waveform Expressions. It allows for the simple generation of Waves for controlling knob values.
7.69 Kb
Customized Dot to easily connect to any nodes in your nukescript in a very neat and efficient way. Toolset/python tool. See video for demonstration.