HG_value_Editor v1.2
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Linux, Mac, Windows
A small python tool to assist with changing the values of knobs on multiple nodes inside of nuke at the same time without the need to type one by one
who arent python savy plus a few others who a bit lazy like me who don't want to type python every time we want to change the value of 30 different nodes at the same time.
for mostly all knobs the script works as is but if it is a dynamic slider that can also have seperate text fields instead of a slider you need to be picky about your syntax when typing in the values some examples of the sliders are
Thank You Karim Moftaah for helping out
Save a lot of time and effort
HG_value_Editor to edit multiple nodes at the same time with the same value
It supported edit selected nodes or all the nodes with same class.
no need to change anything from here. Change only if you exactly know what you're doing
Helper Video
1.Place the 'HG_value_Editor_V01' file into your .nuke directory (usually 'C:/Users/YOUR_USER/.nuke') or path;
2.Paste this text at the end of your 'menu.py' file;
It will be under the nFX tab in nuke's top menu, or right-click on the Read's properties panel.
1. Go to the .nuke directory:
Windows: C:\Users\username\.nuke
Mac Os X: /Users/username/.nuke
Linux: /home/username/.nuke
2. Copy both HG_value_Editor.nk and icon folder into the folder.
3. Locate menu.py inside the folder and open it with any notepad/text editor.
If menu.py didn’t exist, create one with the notepad itself.
4. Add this to menu.py:
import sys
import nuke
toolbar = nuke.toolbar('Nodes')
m = toolbar.addMenu('HG Menu', icon='HG.png')
m.addCommand('HG_Value_Editor', 'nuke.createNode(\'HG_value_Editor.nk\')', icon='HG_value_Editor.png')
5. Restart nuke
Hope you find it useful! Let me know if you find any errors
License: Give it any use/modifications you want but at least keep the copyright info inside as it is, please.