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Contributor: thexdan

1.26 Kb

Help organize your node graph. A No-Op node which acts as an axis point about which you can flip the selected nodes. Perfect for when re-organizing scripts or templates. Everything is python but I don't believe there is any syntax that will error in python 2 versions of Nuke. v1.1 Fixed some node alignment issues in flipped nodegraphs

14 Jul 2024
Contributor: vincentlanger

1.93 Kb

A simple toolset which exports the four cornerPin points to 3dEqualizers 2DTrack export format.

09 Oct 2016
Contributor: x_corpion

9.07 Kb

With the 'CompHelper' node, you can organize your project and help you quickly locate and export your files. Using 'WriteAuto,' you can create an automated write to export your project sequences in the prerender folder, and you can customize the word 'Denoised' as needed. After exporting, with 'Readsolut,' you can create a read from the previous 'Write' node, and with 'Explore,' you can select any 'Read' node and open the source files folder in the Windows File Explorer. With 'CreFolders,' after saving your Nuke project in a Nuke folder, you can create project folders from within Nuke, selecting the folders you want to create for your project.

20 Feb 2024
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