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Contributor: ErwanL

8.69 Kb

A suite of tools for creating and manipulating Vectors, UV maps and Normal maps. Includes a UV generator, UV to Vector convertions, Normals generator, and more. (updated)

14 May 2016
Contributor: maxvanleeuwen

475.11 Kb

A node looper for Nuke

22 Apr 2021
Contributor: larswemmje

5.60 Kb

A customized write node that you can adapt to your project folder structure.

11 Mar 2018
Contributor: Lacrau

3.15 Kb

The easiest way to make a flickering effect. This node works like an 'opacity flickering', but you can transfer the Result values to any knob that support animation. Set the maximum/minimum/frequency value, and done!

17 Dec 2020
Contributor: CameronC

3.66 Kb

This Node is a Cheat-Sheet for TCL Waveform Expressions. It allows for the simple generation of Waves for controlling knob values.

18 Nov 2013
Contributor: filsus

44.79 Kb

Fast and easy GUI for Nuke ToolSets. Create, modify, share and paste all your ToolSets with a click of a button.

18 Jan 2022
Contributor: fxtor

4.03 Kb

Simple copy/paste or link values, without the hassle of manually opening every node and typing in values or expressions. Copy/Paste or link KnobValues from one main node to multiple other selected nodes, by the click of a button. Select which values you want to copy or link by listing them in a text field, then select the nodes you want to include: and click the button.

06 Aug 2016
Contributor: fynnay

106.75 Kb

Generate and modify animation curves with this toolset collection

22 Jun 2020
Contributor: fxtor

9.27 Kb

fxT_precompController is a Toolset/python tool to easily keep track of precomps in large nuke scripts. see video demo for all features.

28 Oct 2021
Contributor: mushu

348.77 Kb

This is an easy plugin management system for nuke. Made for artists to TD's it can be very simple and quick to use for just loading groups of plugins but has the power to do loads more.

18 Nov 2013
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