Camera Trigonometry

Written by Frank Rueter on .

Here is a scribble for some camera trigonometry.

Keep in mind that if you have an image / image sequence that corresponds to the camera (i.e. match move), then the horizontal  aperture and vertical aperture need to reflect the image aspect, otherwise your render won't match the scans.


0 # revaz kvaratskhelia 2011-01-19 02:06
well, is there any tutorial explaining how this can be used in practice? In Nuke
+1 # Frank Rueter 2011-01-19 02:34
it's good for calculating simple (!) 2D to 3D projections and vise versa. There are heaps of uses though, so in a nutshell, if you don't know how to use this, you very likely don't need it ;-).
0 # Rafael Perez 2011-04-11 00:16
Hi Frank, I was wondering about a expression to convert a 3d to 2d point (exactly like reconcile 3d, but without the mess). Do you have this expression in your hat?
0 # George Anison 2012-09-23 06:22
It isn't necessary to use trigonometry to solve this problem. Just use this expression in your camera's haperture:

+3 # Frank Rueter 2012-09-23 14:59
these days you can use the pre-packaged nukescrtips.sna p3D package:

for X:
cam = nuke.toNode('Camera1')
axis = nuke.toNode('Axis1')
wm = axis['world_matrix'].valueAt(nuke.frame())
xform = nuke.math.Vecto r3(wm[3], wm[7], wm[11])
ret = nukescripts.sna p3d.projectPoin t(cam, xform).x

and Y:
cam = nuke.toNode('Camera1')
axis = nuke.toNode('Axis1')
wm = axis['world_matrix'].valueAt(nuke.frame())
xform = nuke.math.Vecto r3(wm[3], wm[7], wm[11])
ret = nukescripts.sna p3d.projectPoin t(cam, xform).y

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