emSmartGrade v1.3

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Contributor: Eva Mateo
emSmartGrade is Nuke Gizmo focused on adjusting CG AOV beauty pass.
11.3 or later
Linux, Mac, Windows
07 Jan 2025

emSmartGrade 001 2

emSmartGrade is Nuke Gizmo focused on adjusting CG AOV beauty pass.

emSmartGrade 002

You control exposure, saturation, gain, multiply, and gamma. Also, you can clamp the black and white or use custom white clamp values. There is a Mask input that you can connect to your specific mask only to affect an area in your image.

emSmartGrade 003

Render from an animated shot of David Penagos made in AnimWorkshop for the demo.


- Tech updates: Blinkscript code implemented to make the knobs (exposure, saturation, gain and multiply) instead of using different nodes in Nuke.
- 'Set Default' button to set up the knobs by default.
- Removed the 'gamma' knob.
- Fixed reshuffle AOV checkbox.
- Fixed Mask Issues.

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