Standalone helper tools. Scripted, compiled, whatever it takes to get the job done
2.15 Kb
These registration files change the default application for .nk files to NukeX.

7.59 Kb
nuke 3d scene to go with the expressions 101 tutorial

3.13 Kb
A registry key that associates .nk files with NukeX.

1.52 Kb
Allows executing phyton code, which was edited with external editor, without restarting nuke. Based on script 'Call Updated Function' by Andreas Frickinger, just rewrited to be non-modal panel.

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Scans a script for custom layers and offers the chance to delete them. Good for getting rid of viral layers/channels that might have been saved inside .gizmo files or .nk

159.11 Kb
This script reads a fcpxml-file in and outputs separate Nuke- and Syntheyes-files for each video that is in the Final Cut Pro X sequence. Use it as shell-script or Automator workflow.

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Classic mobile game recreated for Nuke's Node Graph

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Complete Nuke Hotkeys Sheet (Hi-Res)

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Complete Nuke Hotkeys Sheet for your desktop wallpaper