zkMatte v1.1
This location is for Registered Users Only.
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14.0, 13.2, 13.1, 13.0, 12.2, 12.1, 12.0 or later

Node contains a dropdown menu to visualize the keying steps.
Defaults at composite to review the final result.
- Matte: Refine the blackpoint/whitepoint/gamma of the calculated matte. At this step an 'include' 'exclude' inputs are provided to use garbage mattes as rough matte.
- Despill: Displays the footage minus the despill value. This can be refined using rgb values to get a neutral despill (black or grey) or use a colored despill (if the shot needs some colored spillage). For further refinement a spill blackpoint/whitepoint/gamma is provided.
- Background: This tool allows the user to plug a background with the input provided. If there is no connected background, the result composite will use black. This is intentded for users who want to use custom light bleeding techniques.
The gizmo outputs the RGB, matte, spill and despill components, if some custom refinement is needed.
Update v1.1: Added a 'Respill' slider.