Render_HUB v3.0

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Contributor: Jorge HI
Node to manage the settings of all your nodes, have a work and render settings profile and change between them easily.
13.0 or later
Linux, Mac, Windows
15 Aug 2024


Static Badge Static Badge

This Node allows you to organize and manage the high render cost nodes of your script, parent them to this HUB and configure a work settings profile and High Render settings profile for the final renders.

You cand change between the work and render profiles manually or setting the automatic $Gui option.

Create your own node profiles for any node type and customize your work and render settings.



Render HUB portada





Contact: [email protected]



Version Log:


  • Replace the old static system of 2 profiles by a dynamic system of user profiles where the user decides what node type profile to create.Update the parent buttons with the new profile systems to parent dynamicaly.
    • Add a Config tab with the buttons to create profiles.
    • Create the profiles dynamicaly and generate the nodes internaly.
    • Add utils in the config tab to list the current user profiles and check the type of each profile and the nodes linked to them.
    • Add the option to remove a profile.
  • Improve the parent system to make avoid unparent problems with less common node types.
  • Add a Report Problem button on the Help tab to open a Issue on Github.
  • Support Nuke15.0


  • Usability improvements on the parent and unparent actions. Now the UI is more compressed and requires less checks by the user to link nodes to the HUB.
  • New feature 'Hide Links' that allows the user to hide boolean links without require the use of ALT+E. This feature works creating a brige between the Node and the Render HUB using the root of the script. Instead of linking the Node Render_HUB this feature make a double link Node Nuke.Root() Render_HUB in this way the link is hidden for the user in the Node graph. However, you can checks the linked nodes with the selection tools even if the link is hidden.


  • First Node version:
    • 2 profiles to configure work and render settings for Scanline Renders.
    • Options to parent disable knobs, switch nodes, filter and motion knobs.
    • Change between work and render mode or use the $gui auto mode.
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