ReplicateValue v1.0

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Contributor: Henrique Moser
Alter a value on a node (eg.: Blur size). Then, use Replicate Value to copy the altered value to all or to a group of nodes from the same class.
6.0, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 or later
28 Jan 2012

ReplicateValue - created by Henrique Moser, December, 2011

Alter a value on a node (eg.: Blur size). Then, use Replicate Value to copy the altered value to all or to a group of nodes from the same kind(eg.: Blur nodes).


  1. Select a node and change one of it's properties - the one you want to copy to other nodes (eg.: the motion blur samples on a scanline render node).
  2. Right-click the mouse on the properties panel of the node you wish  to use as reference and select -> Replicate Value.
  3. In the pop-up window, verify if the reference node is the right one (check the name of the node), if the name doesn't match the name of the node you modified, select the right node and click on 'update reference node'.
  4. Select the key value you want to replicate from the dropdown menu.
  5. Now you can select a portion of your script containing several  nodes or check the 'all nodes' checkbox and click the 'replicate value' button. In both cases ReplicateValue will only alter nodes belonging to the same class.



  • copy the to one of your plugin/scripts folder ( the location may vary depending on your OS - linux, win, mac - consult Nuke's User Manual if you're unsure about it )
  • in your (should be inside the scripts folder, if not you may create a in any text editor) add the following line: import ReplicateValue
  • Restart you Nuke application


This is the reason I started learning python. Applying the same value to a bunch of nodes might seem very simple for anyone that knows python, but for people that don't code it's terrible having to change a bunch of nodes one-by-one...

So if you don't code, be happy, those days are over, if you DO code, be happy, now you have an even faster way to perform this operation than creating for loops. : )


Possibilities for a future version (please feel free to request or suggest improvements and features):

  • Make into a registered panel so that people can save it as a default tab on nuke's layouts.
  • Expand the functionality of the tool, for instance save selections for quickly retrieve a group of nodes from a same class.


- hm. 

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