FBXtoOBJ v1.0

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Contributor: Joshua LaCross
Breaks out FBX geo into individual OBJs
6.2 or later
Mac, Windows
12 Aug 2011
import FBXtoOBJ
### This creates a menu and add the tool to it ### 
stMenu = nuke.menu('Nodes').addMenu('Script Tools')
stMenu.addCommand('FBXtoOBJ', 'FBXtoOBJ.FBXtoOBJ()')


I've been working with FBXs lately and they really seem to slow down the comp because you have to import the entire scene again and again for each piece of geo you want to break out. Converting them to individual OBJs works much better and dramatically speeds up the comp. The problem is that a scene with 80 pieces of geo can be extremely tedious and subject to human error.

This script will first ask you to get the FBX and select your output directory for the OBJs.

Then from the FBX you chose, it will determine how much geo it has in the scene and it give you the option to override this. With large scenes this can take a long time so you might  want to give it a small range the first time so you can gauge it.

Then all the ReadGeos and WriteGeos are created for you with the respective names.

** New Note: I recently realized a bug in nuke. When you run this script you need to actually view the FBXs in a scene together before you execute the write nodes. If you don't all the OBJs will be created at 0,0,0. Its a weird bug but that it the only work around I know of.

Then execute the writeGeo Nodes and you're done.


Disclaimer: This is my first python script. I hope it helps you. Please let me know if there are problems, ways to make it more elegant  and/or if it has helped you.

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