texPrint v1.2

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Contributor: Rion .
Auto Text Print in Text Node.
11.0, 10.5, 10.0, 9.0, 8.0, 7.1 or later
Linux, Mac, Windows
23 Apr 2019

shot name autoPrint in Text Node.v1.0




Seriously I made this because many times when we hav lotsof shot and we need to make contactsheet with proper shot name.
is not possible to write one by one every shot name inside the text message.it's borring.

personaly i face lots of trouble.
i think u face also. the same.

its verry helpfull.
Use this script and leav a comment.



Nuke over

Auto Naming

Script over


Now question is how to install that Script.


  • coppy textPrint.py file.
  • open your .nuke folder.
  • pest textPrint.py your .nuke folder.
  • find menu.py file and open.
  • pest this line and create short cut i.e : ctrl+j
  • if You want you can change shotcut and name.



n.addCommand('python/mazicText', 'texPrint.texPrint()', 'ctrl+j', icon= 'Text.png', index=0)



Yes You are Ready RESTART your Nuke. 




aka Anupam-b

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