1.63 Kb
Phase render script lets you create easy wip setups. It is perfect tool for crafting work in progress or 'how it's made' renders from your script tree.

9.40 Kb
Python script to create windows Batch file that launches Nuke renders by command line

29.05 Kb
v2.1 - This updates the default "render selected" behavior to render all write nodes in the selection and ignore the others (rather than fail). v 2.1 - Now works properly with EXRs when autocrop is selected. (Hat tip to Marty Blumen for finding this bug) v2.0 - Now adds very efficient and selective output directory verification and creation to interactive and background renders. v1.0 - "skip existing frames" functionality only works for interactive renders still however, the dialoge box behavior has been improved so it won't show as an option for background renders.

18.02 Kb
snapShot render your current frames result (which ever your seeing your viewer) as a .jpg file and re-load it automatically. Its using your scripts name, version and your current nodes ( means selected node) name. Updated with new icon and custom input gizmo. Place the image gizmo, icon and on your custom nuke DIR. Replace line to make it work.

15.56 Kb
tool to help set up proxy creation and image sequence conversion

0.91 Kb
Launched Rush Submit Gui from menu Sends the current script to the RUSH Submit GUI

0.82 Kb
This script allows you to render to a not yet existing path. It runs a check and if the path doesn't exist it creates the folder structure for you.

1.23 Kb
Simple yet effective bit of python code to submit nuke scripts to royal render.