DL_ACES_Setup v1.0
This location is for Registered Users Only.
Perhaps you need to login or register.
12.1 or later
This script creates a simple button in Nuke, to set the ACES workflow quickly.
To download from Github, click on the green button (called Code), then click on 'Download ZIP'.
Probably the folder should be named as 'DL_ACES_Setup-main', so rename it as 'DL_ACES_Setup' (if necessary),
then move it to your '.nuke' directory.
In your '.nuke' folder, open the files 'init.py' and 'menu.py'. If it doesn't exist, just simply create a new
'txt' file, give their respective names, and put '.py' as an extension (for both files).
In your 'init.py':
In your 'menu.py':
from DL_ACES_Setup import *
You just to need to make sure that your folder ('DL_ACES_Setup'), has the same name and the same
directory when you are setting in your 'init.py'.
If you want to use a custom OCIO config, replace the current path in 'aces_custom' function
(in 'DL_ACES_Setup.py'), for your own path.
The 'viewerProcess' in your Nuke, it will load the first item on 'active_views' in your
'config.ocio' file, so if you want to set a specific view when this script loads, just put it as a first item.
The Colorspace for all the selected Read nodes will be changed as well, so if you want to use
another one, just simply change from 'scene_linear' to whatever you want.
Author: Danilo de Lucio
Website: www.danilodelucio.com
Date: March/2022