5.54 Kb
Lock a viewer's inputs to desired nodes and prevent annoying accidental reassignments.

16.93 Kb
One viewer lock tool to run them all. Simpler and better than the competition ;)

17.96 Kb
Make working with hidden inputs easy.

16.72 Kb
The best darn Viewer Lock script on Nukepedia.

673.82 Kb
Complete python and blink script editor for Nuke.

5.58 Kb
Connects 2 nodes with a dot node in-between in a 90 degree angle.

1.64 Kb
This python script will open a window everytime you start nuke which will display one random quote from the Zen of Python. You have to click 'ok' to get nuke to open. How to install: 1. Add 'import ZenOfPythonGreeting' to your menu.py

0.92 Kb
A very small Python. I wrote it to help run the file on the external file player with shortcut Alt + R , without returning to the folder, and run it from the outside by simply pressing the keyboard button.

60.24 Kb
Make your day a little brighter with Kawaii mode for Nuke.

10.65 Kb
Browse an infinite amount of cats without leaving Nuke!