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Contributor: leafpictures

30.55 Kb

Plugin manager for nuke similar to the plugin manager in maya - decide which scripts you like to load when nuke launches. Improves the clarity in the user menus and reduces nuke's loading times.

27 May 2014
Contributor: leafpictures

4.04 Kb

dockable panel for displaying all nodes in your script that have errors. Missing frames of footage will be also recognized. You can also write out a .txt file containing all errors. It's useful to run errorReport before every render to make sure the current nuke script to render doesn't have any errors.

19 May 2014
Contributor: borisignjatovic

1.82 Kb

Node preset is a handy script that saves your node parameters in presets.

18 Feb 2014
Contributor: mrhowardjones

5.43 Kb

creates presets for viewer input. Updated with Auto Shuffle and HSV

19 May 2013
Contributor: philhub

1.05 Kb

Put in sync two different viewers. Nice to constantly monitor the alpha of the currently viewed tool.

10 Dec 2012
Contributor: nofxboy1234

15.26 Kb

This is the tabtabtab tool that Ben Dickson made (http://www.nukepedia.com/python-scripts/ui/tabtabtab/), with a few small changes to the code to make it work for Nuke 6.2. I tested it with Nuke 6.2v1 and it works. It may work for older versions too.

02 Mar 2012
Contributor: frank

10.56 Kb

a panel to convert between fov, aperture and focal length

18 Oct 2011
Contributor: bend

1.32 Kb

Change between available viewer LUT's

19 Jul 2011
Contributor: frank

5.83 Kb

show the default icons along with the required syntax for use in labels

23 May 2011
Contributor: Johnson322

4.55 Kb

Just drag and drop gizmos into the right folder and they will show up in your Nuke menus. No longer will you have to create the menu items manually for each gizmo you want to install.

08 Feb 2011
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