Cell Noise v1.1

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Contributor: Matthew Shaw
6 cellular noise types : Worley, Voronoi, Manhattan, Chebyshev, Euclidian, and Worley Inverse. Uses the same transformation controls as standard nuke noise.
10.0, 9.0 or later
Linux, Mac, Windows
13 Sep 2016

6 cellular noise types : Worley, Voronoi, Manhattan, Chebyshev, Euclidian, and Worley Inverse.

Uses the same transformation controls as standard nuke noise.

Renders on GPU for speed, if there are issues with running the node, make sure your drivers are up to date, or switch to CPU by disabling the 'Use GPU' checkbox.

To install, simply place in your plugins directory and add it to your init file with nuke.pluginAddPath()

Cell Noise Animated


Updated v01_01 :

  • Fixed an issue with cells being duplicates
  • Tested on Mac and Linux
  • Minor speed optimisation
  • Included missing icon


Please login in order to download these files.


+1 # Mohan Pugaz 2016-09-16 12:26
Looks so cool
+1 # Peter Jansen 2016-09-21 23:17
0 # BIll Marsh 2018-02-18 07:14
Could you detail the install?
Where do the Blink scripts go?
What is the location of "nuke.pluginAddPath()"
Thank you.
0 # Jorge M 2018-04-28 01:50
big thanks !
0 # Tony Dorfmeister 2022-10-20 15:34
lately I'm getting a strange error when opening scripts with this gizmo

RuntimeError: A PythonObject is not attached to a node

I'm running nuke13.1 on win10. Anyone experiencing something similiar?
0 # Dan Stein 2023-02-06 19:14
Quoting Tony Dorfmeister:
lately I'm getting a strange error when opening scripts with this gizmo

RuntimeError: A PythonObject is not attached to a node

I'm running nuke13.1 on win10. Anyone experiencing something similiar?

We had the same issue, and it's a breaking bug in production pipelines using SG Toolkit/Deadlin e etc, anything that gets freaked out by unexpected errors when loading Nuke scripts. For anyone else that encounters it, the bug lies in the 'onCreate' callback embedded on the gizmo which attempts to access nuke.root() without handling for when that does not exist yet, e.g., when Nuke is loading a script. Placing the 'onCreate' callback into a try/except block or any other mechanism to handle the error will resolve the issue without affecting the intended functionality, which is to adjust the 'center' knob based on the root format and likely only needs to be run on initial creation.
0 # Frank Rueter 2022-10-20 20:12
I just get a compile error in Nuke 13:
Error compiling kernel: Error compiling kernel for GPU
0 # Tony Dorfmeister 2022-10-21 13:01
strangely for me it seems like i can compile the blinkscript node just fine
+2 # Marco Meyer 2023-05-03 18:23
I did a bit of digging and it seems like BlinkScript in N13 doesn't like global variables anymore. I was able to make it work by moving the required global vars into the functions where they are used (usually the ones right underneath it). eg:

// FNV Hash
const uint OFFSET_BASIS = 2166136261;
const uint FNV_PRIME = 16777619;

static uint hash(uint i, uint j, uint k)
return ((((((OFFSET_BASIS ^ i) * FNV_PRIME) ^ j) * FNV_PRIME) ^ k) * FNV_PRIME);

static uint hash(uint i, uint j, uint k)
// FNV Hash
const uint OFFSET_BASIS = 2166136261;
const uint FNV_PRIME = 16777619;
return ((((((OFFSET_BASIS ^ i) * FNV_PRIME) ^ j) * FNV_PRIME) ^ k) * FNV_PRIME);

This might decrease the performance but at least it works again. It's also worth noting that the "rand_modulus" needs to be pasted both into the "lcgRandom()" and the "process()" function further down.

also for safety I added "#define uint unsigned int" at the top, not sure if it's actually needed but it was mentioned in a Bug Report that I found.
+1 # michal kucharczyk 2024-08-08 22:06
Hi Marco! Thank you so much for your input and help on p_Noise_Advance d, it work on that one as expected. Although I'm having problem here. I did change what you put in Quotes but I'm not sure what to to with the rand_modulus, could you describe it in more detail? After changing the part in quotes Nuke is returning me:
Error compiling kernel:
Error at line:10 call to 'abs' is ambiguous

and I don't know how to fix it. Sorry, I am not much of a coder...

0 # Mikael Aune 2022-11-29 15:20
I also get error compiling kernel. Both GPU and CPU
If i tick off the GPU button it works in nuke12, but nuke 13 fails
0 # Sven Ahlstrom 2022-12-16 09:13

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