mScatterGeo v1.4

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Contributor: Mark Joey Tang
mScatterGeo supports scattering on geo's vertices, faces and density map in nuke. 2 rotation types availble, 'look At' and 'normals' . Variation of size, rotation, texture and instance geo can be set.
13.1, 12.2, 12.1, 12.0, 11.3, 11.2, 11.1, 11.0, 10 or later
Linux, Mac, Windows
24 Mar 2021

mScatterGeo m

v1.0 Demo :

v1.1 Extract Axis Demo :

v1.2 Density Map Demo :

mScatterGeo supports scattering on geo's vertices and faces in nuke. 2 rotation types availble, 'look At' and 'normals' . Variation of size, rotation, texture and instance geo can be set.


- added 'fail attempts' knob. (check tooltips)
(it set to 1000 on the previous versions. Expose this setting for user on 1.4.)
- UV type set 'single tile' by default

mScatterGeo v14

- compatible with python3
- fix 'selected vertex info' button (it broke on last version)
- panel UI update

- Since generated group changed to 'mSnap', 
  it breaks the unique name check, fixed on 1.2 .
- Added density map feature (alpha).
- Added RGB as texture color feature.
- Correct title name on tool's panel ('texture setup' to input 'setup').
- Minor fix normal to rotate algorithm (x rotation when -y&-z).
- Removed random selection checkbox.
   *If don't need random selection, just keep random percentage=100.
- Adjust some backend code.
- 'mScap' group added group info tab.
- Input of 'mScatterGeo' changed name from 'Geo' to 'sampleGeo'.
- Fix rotation X under snap with normal rotation.
  So it match to input geo origin.
- Fix ReadGeo's vertex normal rotation.
- Added delete instance on 'mSnap' group.
- Added 'invert selection' button on 'mSnap' group.

- 'MassiveSnapGeo' generated group renamed to 'mSnap'
- fix slider UI after re-open nuke script on 'mSnap'
- added display snap axis
- added extract axis

- re-work the unrelease version in 2018

Screenshot 149

Screenshot 150

Screenshot 151




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0 # Kelvin Yee 2020-03-27 23:27
Hi could this work with ProcGeo as well?
was testing this out on a card with a ProcGeo to give it randomness, but it didn't work
0 # Kelvin Yee 2020-03-27 23:34
and I just saw EditGeo doesn't work for now
Write out Geo it is :)
0 # Mark Joey Tang 2020-03-28 16:29
ProcGeo is tricky, it was in my blacklist before. And then I test it on a sphere another time. It works again. I am a little bit confuse about this node. So I didn't block this node. As you said, write the geo out will work with face selection. I will double check.
+1 # bin zhuang 2020-04-27 03:48
Good job
0 # li zhaohui 2020-11-06 17:24
Suggest adding a texture link,In this way, texture can be pasted instead of single color when sample unpremult RGB is used

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